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Mundaun is a lovingly hand-penciled horror tale set in a dark, secluded valley of the alps. Explore various areas full of secrets to discover, survive hostile encounters, drive vehicles, fill your inventory and solve a variety of hand-crafted puzzles.
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《Mundaun》是一款使用鉛筆畫風精心繪製的恐怖遊戲,故事背景設定於阿爾卑斯山上與世隔絕的陰暗幽谷中。 你能探索充滿秘密的不同區域、在致命敵人手下存活、駕駛載具、裝滿你的物品欄,解開數種手繪謎團。
Mundaun (video game) - Wikipedia
Mundaun is a 2021 first-person horror game created by Swiss developer Hidden Fields and published by MWM Interactive. In the game, the player tries to reach the top of the mountain while solving puzzles and warding off enemies. The dialogue in the game is mostly spoken in Romansh.
Mundaun Is Now Available For Xbox One And Xbox Series X|S
2021年3月16日 · Mundaun is a lovingly hand-penciled horror tale set in a dark, secluded valley of The Alps. Explore various areas full of secrets to discover, survive hostile encounters, drive vehicles, fill your inventory, and solve a variety of handcrafted puzzles.
MUNDAUN | Now available on PS5 & Xbox Series X|S - YouTube
Mundaun is now being published by Annapurna Interactive and is available now on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 for the first time. This new update include...
Mundaun Xbox Series X|S Review - TheXboxHub
2023年7月10日 · Mundaun on Xbox Series X|S is extremely suspenseful, coming complete with an intriguing and beguiling storyline that will take you five hours or so to complete. The visuals are amazing, as is...
Comprar o Mundaun | Xbox
Mundaun é um conto de terror cuidadosamente desenhado a lápis, ambientado em um vale sombrio e recluso nos alpes. Explore diversas áreas cheias de segredos, sobreviva confrontos hostis, dirija veículos, encha seu inventário e solucione diversos quebra-cabeças moldados à …
Mundaun - Xbox比价助手 - 盒心光环
《Mundaun》是一款使用鉛筆畫風精心繪製的恐怖遊戲,故事背景設定於阿爾卑斯山上與世隔絕的陰暗幽谷中。 你能探索充滿秘密的不同區域、在致命敵人手下存活、駕駛載具、裝滿你的物品欄,解開數種手繪謎團。
Mundaun for Xbox One - Download - Softonic
Mundaun is a horror adventure game set in a secluded valley in the European mountain range, the Alps. As you traverse along a spine-chilling fantasy world, you must explore a terrifying world and solve multiple hand-crafted puzzles .
Mundaun for Xbox Series X - GameFAQs
2023年6月29日 · Mundaun is a lovingly hand-penciled horror tale set in a dark, secluded valley of the alps. Explore various areas full of secrets to discover, survive hostile...