Beta Canis Majoris - Wikipedia
Beta Canis Majoris (β Canis Majoris, abbreviated Beta CMa, β CMa), also named Mirzam / ˈmɜːrzəm /, [13] is a star in the southern constellation of Canis Major, the "Great Dog", located at a distance of about 500 light-years (150 parsecs) from the Sun. [1] In the modern constellation it lies at the position of the dog's front leg.
USS MURSIM (军市一号) - 哔哩哔哩
For almost two months, Murzim supplied antiaircraft ammunition to ships at Hollandia preparing for the invasion of the Philippines. After filling her holds with ammunition from Brisbane and Sydney Australia, she sailed without escort for the Philippines 24 October.
USS Murzim - Wikipedia
USS Murzim (AK-95) was a Crater-class cargo ship commissioned by the US Navy for service in World War II. She was named after Murzim, the star in constellation Canis Major. Murzim was manned by United States Coast Guard personnel and was responsible for delivering troops, goods and equipment to locations in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater.
大犬座β星 - 百度百科
大犬座β星是大犬座的一颗恒星,其俗名为Murzim,Mirza,Al-Murzim或Mirzam,中文名是军市一。 其俗名来源于阿拉伯语مرزم,意为“报信者”,这可能是因为其每晚在天狼星之前升起。 大犬座β星是一颗变星等的蓝白巨星,其星等以6小时的周期在1.95~2.00之间变化。 它是一颗 仙王座β变星。 大犬座β星处于氢聚变燃烧的晚期,之后将会耗尽其氢并开始氦聚变。 大犬座β星位于本宇宙泡的远端。 M☉. R☉. 36 km/s. 大犬座β星是大犬座的一颗恒星,其俗名为Murzim,Mirza,Al …
Murzim (AK-95) - NHHC
2022年5月6日 · Murzim (AK‑95) was laid down as Brigham Young under Maritime Commission contract by California Shipbuilding Co., Wilmington, Calif., 10 July 1942; launched 17 August 1942; sponsored by Mrs....
軍市一 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
军市一(β CMa / 大犬座β)是大犬座的一颗恒星,其俗名为Murzim,Mirza,Al-Murzim或Mirzam。 其俗名来源于阿拉伯语مرزم,意为“报信者”,这可能是因为其每晚在天狼星之前升起。
Mirzam Star Facts (Beta Canis Majoris) - Universe Guide
Mirzam, also known as Beta Canis Majoris (Bayer) is a giant star located in the constellation of Canis Major, The Big Dog. Mirzam is a major star and forms part of the constellation. Based on the spectral type (B1II/III), Mirzam colour is blue, which means that the star is one of the hottest stars in the Universe, hotter than our star.
大犬座(Canis Major),是全天八十八星座之一,位置在南天,也是 克罗狄斯·托勒密 定义的四十八星座之一。 据说它本来是猎人奥瑞恩的一只 猎狗。 大犬座中的 天狼星 是夜空中最亮的星,而且也是 冬季大三角 的一个定点。 大犬座的 主星 天狼星是从地球上看出去即太阳后的第一亮恒星,同时也是离 地球最近的恒星 之一(大约8.6光年)。 古希腊人认为7月22日至8月23日,以此定义 伏天。 此星与太阳一同升起,因此这颗星也被称为“犬星”。 因此这个星座获得了大犬座的名称 …
USS Murzim (AK-95) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The USS Murzim (AK-95) was an ammo station ship working in the Pacific Ocean during World War II, named after Murzim, the star in constellation Canis Major. The auxiliary ship Murzim was manned by United States Coast Guard personnel, supplying ships with a variety of ammunition.
军市一 - 百度百科
它是大犬座第四亮星,也是大犬座β型(又称仙王座β型) 脉动变星 的典型星。 光度变化于1.93到2.00, 大犬座 β星,西名Mirzam,有“公告”“发布官”之意。 大犬座β星,西名Mirzam,有“公告”“发布官”之意,因为它每晚在 天狼星 之前升起。 全天第46亮星, 视星等 1.95等, 绝对星等 -3.95等,距离492.68 光年。 军市一位于 本地泡 的远端。 是颗B1II/III型 亮巨星,该星是一个蓝巨星,目视光度为 太阳 的3000倍,总的辐射能量则高达太阳的34000倍。 它是大犬座β型(又称仙王 …