AHA eCards verification
To access your complete eCard profile, please enter your first name, last name and email address below. OR, if you have your eCard code, enter it below.
How to Claim and View your AHA eCard
Learn how to claim and view your AHA eCard, which you receive upon completion of some AHA courses. Provides instructions for students and instructors.
Claim your eCard via eCards Site: your Training Cente o a page that shows “My eCards.” Look for your eCard that is “Unclaimed” and follow the steps through the site to claim your card, including setti g up a security question and answer. If your eCard cannot be found, contact your Traini
eCard Guides | American Heart Association CPR & First Aid
These tools will assist TCs and Instructors in using the My Courses tool to issue AHA electronic course completion cards – or eCards – to their students.
Hallmark eCards | Send a Free Digital Greeting | Hallmark
Send a digital birthday card instantly with Hallmark eCards. Hallmark+ members get unlimited eCards and Crown Rewards members get one free ecard each month.
Free Ecards | Personalize & Send Digital Cards | American Greetings
Choose from thousands of electronic cards and customize your favorites in a matter of minutes. Find digital ecards for every person and occasion, with famous songs, beautiful animation, uplifting quotes and all kinds of personalization. We put extra features into all our ecards, so sending and receiving them is always a joy.
Today's News, Entertainment, Video, Ecards and more at Someecards …
Get a funny take on today's popular news, entertainment, lifestyle, and video content -- all written by the people who bring you those funny ecards.
E-Cards: Fun Greeting Cards for Every Occasion!
E-Cards.com - hundreds of photos and animations to choose from for online greetings. Great cards for birthdays and other special occasions. Every card you send helps support nature and the environment.
Greeting Cards & Animated Ecards | Jacquie Lawson Cards
Charming animated greeting cards for birthdays and special occasions, featuring English landscapes, playful animals, and much more.
E-Cards: Login
Online greetings and gifts that support wildlife and the environment. Free and Premium cards available... Love your world! Protect our planet!