Download MyJYU app to make your student life easier
Use the barcode on your library card on MyJYU when borrowing books. You can find your library card in the "Add" menu of the app. You can either retrieve your existing library card or create a …
Log in to the site | JYUMoodle
Always log in primarily with your JYU credentials. Student in cross-institutional studies should also use the JYU credentials.
MyJYU - Apps on Google Play
2025年3月3日 · MyJYU has been developed to make students’ lives easier. It includes everything you need in your daily student life: study calendar, University of Jyväskylä’s news and events …
首页-嘉应学院 - jyu.edu.cn
为切实推进学校新一轮审核评估工作,凝聚共识,全力打好审核评估的“攻坚战”,1月17日上午,我校在何侨生大楼526会议室召开本科教育教学审核评估工作领导小组会议。 学校党委副书记、 …
MyJYU on the App Store
MyJYU has been developed to make students’ lives easier. It includes everything you need in your daily student life: study calendar, University of Jyväskylä’s news and events for students, …
2022年7月21日 · 嘉应学院教务管理系统入口二: https://jwc.jyu.edu.cn 嘉应学院教务管理系统由嘉应学院教务处主办,是学生选课、考试管理、成绩查询、教务教学管理综合系统平台。
嘉应学院 WebVPN
MyJYU-sovellus helpottaa arkeasi - Jyväskylän yliopisto
Voit hakea joko olemassa olevan kirjastokorttisi tai luoda itsellesi uuden kortin sovelluksen avulla. Tarkista MyJYU:sta yhdellä vilkaisulla, mitä tänään tapahtuu ja missä. Kalenteri hakee …
NIDP end-user landing page
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