in my standards | English examples in context | Ludwig
"in my standards" is a perfectly acceptable phrase in written English. The phrase implies that you have established personal standards or criteria in which to measure something. For example, "I felt the customer service was satisfactory, but it didn't quite meet my standards."
MyStandards - Swift
Swift's MyStandards simplifies your global financial messaging, offering a collaborative platform for easy creation, sharing and testing of message specifications. It ensures smooth business operations, timely MT Standards Release preparation, and seamless ISO 20022 adoption. This helps you work more efficiently and enhance your risk management.
My standard-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: My standard answer is typical for an economist: "yes and no.",在英语-中文情境中翻译"My standard"
How to use "is my standard" in a sentence - English examples
is my standard - This phrase indicates that something is someone's usual or preferred level of quality or expectation
my standard is | English examples in context | Ludwig
High quality example sentences with “my standard is” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English
My standard - Translation into Chinese - Reverso Context
Translations in context of "My standard" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: My standard answer is typical for an economist: "yes and no."
MyStandard - About Us
MyStandard’s tokenomics are designed to promote the network’s growth by rewarding its most important members: users and holders. Our approach is a token model that avoids complexities or disadvantages for these key groups.
MyStandard - Get the App
MyStandard is the first employment and talent acquisition service built on web3 technology and designed to give users ownership and control of their data. Download the MyStandard mobile …
MyStandard - For Businesses
MyStandard is the first employment and talent acquisition service built on web3 technology and designed to give users ownership and control of their data. Business interested in a web3 recruiting solution can learn more about the benefits of using the MyStandard platform.
Male & Female Standards Calculator - US Census Data - Keeper
Simply enter your preferences – age, race, height, and minimum income – and let our build-a-man calculator do the rest. Using data from the US Census Bureau and the US CDC, we'll tell you if your expectations are reasonable to give you clarity in your quest for love.