The Evolutionary Aspects of Aquaporin Family - PubMed
They are grossly divided into three subfamilies based on the sequence around a highly conserved pore-forming NPA motif: (1) classical water -selective AQP (CAQP), (2) glycerol -permeable aquaglyceroporin (AQGP) and (3) AQP super-gene channel, superaquaporin (SAQP).
Adaptive Selection in the Evolution of Aquaglyceroporins in …
2023年5月7日 · Six exons encoding the functional MIP domain of AQGP genes were found to be conserved across mammalian species. Evolutionary analysis indicated signatures of positive selection in AQP7, 9, and 10 amongst different mammalian lineages.
Clinical value and molecular mechanism of AQGPs in different …
2022年8月16日 · Overexpression or knockdown of AQGPs can promote or inhibit cancer cell proliferation, migration, invasion, apoptosis, epithelial–mesenchymal transition and metastasis, and the expression levels of AQGPs are closely linked to the prognosis of cancer patients.
MYL9:肌球蛋白“细胞动力马达”家族一员,癌细胞迁移动力靶点? …
2023年7月12日 · 肌球蛋白监管轻链MYL9(myosin regulatory light chain 9,又称MLC2, MRLC1或MLC-2C)是组成肌球蛋白的调节性轻链。 人MYL9基因位于染色体20q11.23上,包含8621个碱基,8个内含子和17个外显子。 它编码的20KD肌球蛋白监管轻链,是肌球蛋白的重要组成部分。 肌球蛋白按区域分为头部、颈部和尾部。 头部是球形,含有ATP结合和肌动蛋白结合部位,用于催化ATP的水解释放化学能量,并与肌动蛋白结合。 颈部有两条调节性轻链缠绕成α …
哺乳动物水甘油孔蛋白进化中的适应性选择,Journal of Molecular …
水通道蛋白 (aqp) 是一种完整的膜蛋白,负责原核生物和真核生物中水跨细胞膜的运输。aqp 的一个亚家族,称为水甘油孔蛋白 (aqgp),促进甘油、水和其他溶质等小溶质跨细胞膜的运输。这些蛋白质参与多种生理过程,例如器官发生、伤口愈合和水合作用。
Adaptive Selection in the Evolution of Aquaglyceroporins in …
2023年5月7日 · In the present study, 119 AQGP coding sequences from 31 mammalian species were analysed to identify conserved residues, gene organisation, and most importantly, the nature of AQGP gene selection. Repertoire analysis revealed the absence of AQP7, 9, and 10 genes in certain species of Primates, Rodentia, and Diprotodontia, although not all three ...
Clinical value and molecular mechanism of AQGPs in different …
2022年8月16日 · Overexpression or knockdown of AQGPs can promote or inhibit cancer cell proliferation, migration, invasion, apoptosis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis, and the expression levels of AQGPs are closely linked to the prognosis of cancer patients.
Aquaglyceroporin AQP7's affinity for its substrate glycerol. Have …
2022年1月1日 · AQP7 is one of the four human aquaglyceroporins that facilitate glycerol transport across the cell membrane, a biophysical process that is essential in human physiology.
E环半螺旋中螺旋内盐桥的存在会影响AQP1和GlpF通道的转运特 …
主要内在蛋白(mip)超家族包含水传输aqp1和甘油特异性glpf,它们属于两个主要系统发育组,即水通道蛋白(aqp)和水甘油通道蛋白(aqgp)。 MIP通道具有六个跨膜螺旋(TM1至TM6)和两个半螺旋(LB和LE)。
Structural features of the aromatic/arginine constriction in the ...
Glycerol transport across the cell membrane is mediated by aquaglyceroporins (AQGPs), whereas our previous study revealed that it was disfavoured by GintAQPF2, an AQGP from AM fungi (AMF). Here, we analysed the function of two amino acid residues in the aromatic/arginine (ar/R) constriction known as the major selectivity filter in AQGPs.