Myrna - Fallout Wiki
Myrna, referred to as Crazy Myrna by Piper, is an anti-synth conspiracy theorist and the proprietor of a junk shop operating in Diamond City in 2287. The proprietor of the junk shop known as …
Diamond City Surplus - Fallout Wiki
Diamond City Surplus is an unmarked location in the Diamond City market in 2287. It is owned and operated by Myrna (with the assistance of her robot Percy during the night shift) as a …
Myrna - The Vault Fallout Wiki - Everything you need to know …
Myrna is the owner of Diamond City Surplus living in Diamond City in 2287. Myrna is a victim of the synth hysteria that has gripped the city since the Broken Mask Incident.
Myrna - Fallout 4 Wiki
2024年6月3日 · View everything about Myrna and their interactions, Locations, and their inventory. Where to find Myrna in Fallout 4. Myrna can initially be found at "Diamond City …
Fallout 4 NPC ID List - Fallout Cheats
A list of all NPC IDs from Fallout 4 for use with the player.PlaceAtMe console command to spawn NPCs.
Is it possible that Myrna is actually a Synth? : r/fo4 - Reddit
Myrna is the paranoid scrap/general merchant in Diamond City (FO4), who refuses to do business unless you tell her you're human, pass an Easy speech check after joking or saying you're not …
Percy (Fallout 4) | Fallout Wiki | Fandom
Percy is a Mister Handy in Diamond City in 2287. Percy was salvaged by Myrna and programmed as the night-shift salesperson at Diamond City Surplus. She wanted to keep the store open …
【Fallout4】マーナ - こまちゃんの宝箱
2021年2月26日 · 《フォールアウト4 攻略》マーナ のページ。 登場する 友好NPC 「マーナ」について、能力値・性格、ルックス、着用装備、居場所、登場形態、関連クエスト、取引可否 …
Myrna’s terminal entry : r/fo4 - Reddit
2022年2月7日 · Due to a mishap in Diamond City with a Deathclaw that followed me in and the dismemberment mod, Myrna IS currently laying outside of her business missing her limbs (but …
For the first time, Myrna was right. : r/fo4 - Reddit
2015年12月25日 · Did she actually work it out, or did you just say "yeah, I'm a synth" when she first asks? what mod? She had to get it right eventually. What's the console command for this? …