NWEDC - Nepal Water & Energy Development Company
At NWEDC, we recognize the critical role of hydroelectricity power in shaping a greener tomorrow. Through our innovative technologies and commitment to environmental stewardship, we strive on our way to meet the energy demands without compromising the needs of future generations.
Home - WEDC
We’re here to help Wisconsin businesses and communities find success. We live to help you find success. Want to revitalize your community, start or grow a business, expand your company in …
WEDC - Jotrin Electronics
White Electronic Designs (NASDAQ: WEDC) delivers sophisticated multichip semiconductor products, high-efficiency memory devices and build-to-print electromechanical assemblies for defense and aerospace applications.
世界生态设计组织(简称“WEDO”)是经联合国经社理事会(联合国的六个主要机构之一)批准认定的、中国设计领域唯一的联合国咨商地位组织。 联合国生态系统恢复十年是为保护和恢复世界各地的生态系统而发出的号召,以造福人类和自然;其目的是制止生态系统退化,恢复生态系统,以实现全球目标。 只有拥有健康的生态系统,我们才能改善人民的生计,抵御气候变化,阻止生物多样性的崩溃。 可持续发展目标呼吁所有国家(不论该国是贫穷、富裕还是中等收入)行动起 …
原创 WEDC 存储器中国区一级代理 - 面包板社区
2009年8月6日 · 香港万利通电子公司成立于一九九七年, 是美国怀特电子设计公司 (White Electronic Designs Corporation ,简称 WEDC) 委任为中国地区的授权销售代表公司,专业推广及销售怀特 WEDC 全系列产品。
WEDC/EDI/WHITE怀特电子 (产品、存储器)代理 - cechina.cn
香港万利通电子公司成立于一九九七年, 是美国怀特电子设计公司 (White Electronic Designs Corporation ,简称 WEDC) 委任为中国地区的授权销售代表公司,专业推广及销售怀特 WEDC 全系列产品。
World Eco-Design Organization
Founded in 2018, the World Eco-Design Organization (WEDO) is an industrial, academic and world-wide non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by enterprises, institutions, social organizations and workers all over the world who are committed to promoting sustainable development, as well as entrepreneurs and activists who support the conc...
Wayne Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)
2020年11月20日 · Our mission is to develop, promote and advance economic growth, well-being, and sustainable communities in Wayne County. Explore our Loan Programs Page here. Explore our Small Business KickStart Page here.
世界生态设计大会(WEDC) - 外贸日报
2024年5月21日 · 世界生态设计大会旨在推动全球范围内设计、生态、社会的融合和可持续发展,加强国家和地区之间在生态设计(Eco-Design)方面的交流与合作,打造以品牌、人才、资本、产业为特色的低碳城市和创新景观新模式,构建生态设计创新生态圈,经济良性循环, 社会与环境,有效增强产业活力,为实现 联合国 2030 年议程可持续发展目标作出进一步贡献。 生态设计的定义: 联合国:“联合国生态系统恢复十年”号召全世界保护和恢复生态系统,造福人类和自然。 …
North America - WEDC
As the U.S.’s neighbors in North America, Canada and Mexico are the logical first stops for Wisconsin companies that are new to exporting. These countries share geographic proximity, cultural ties, and a long history of doing business together.
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