N64 cpu | Beyond3D Forum
2010年8月5日 · Was the CPU in the N64 more powerful or less powerful than the CPU used by the KI/KI2 Arcade board? What's the difference between the two CPUs? How much more …
Sega Saturn vs N64 hardware wise - Beyond3D Forum
2022年4月19日 · The N64 had ram latency issues & was capped to 4KB textures, The Saturn didn't have that issue. This was the same era where PC games only used the CPU where …
RDRAM inside the N64 - Beyond3D Forum
2016年3月16日 · Following the purchase of an almost immaculate N64, I've renewed my interest in this little console. We know a lot about the CPU and the RCP. The Rambus memories in it, …
This is old. About a rumour of N64 that I heard. - Beyond3D Forum
2005年10月6日 · The N64 CPU wasn't even a custom chip, it was (or even is still probably) available to buy as a stand-alone chip with pretty much the exact technical specs as in the …
N64 RDP/RSP - Beyond3D Forum
2005年1月10日 · I've also worked on N64 games that used custom uCode and clipped on the main CPU. The RSP is completly programmable, but only a very few devs at the end of the …
Overclock the n64? | Beyond3D Forum
2005年1月2日 · N64 CPU isn't quite a 486, it doesn't have a separate FPU (instead all instructions are run through the same pipe), and its databus is multiplexed with the address bus, which …
Texture cache of the N64 vs. that of Playstation - Beyond3D Forum
2018年7月25日 · Quake 3 might use larger textures than 256x256 in some cases. N64 seems quite different to me than the Voodoo ASICs. RSP does sound and graphics for example, …
N64, fillrate monster of the previous generation? - Beyond3D Forum
2002年10月16日 · Although I never programmed the N64, and I haven't read any of the open source N64 emulators that are floating around the net, here's what I've gathered from reading …
Sega Saturn vs N64 hardware wise | Page 2 | Beyond3D Forum
2022年4月29日 · The N64 could've just added 1 ~ 2MB video memory with 220MB/sec with more texture cache without much changes, Pretty much what the PS2 did. With the Saturn may …
Can PS2 be considered a pure 128 bit machine?? - Beyond3D Forum
2006年6月28日 · As far as I know, Emotion Engine is a 128 bit CPU. The MIPS core could be a 32 bits CPU, but I think general purpose registers are also 128 bits. Maybe I'm getting …