NASA X-43 - Wikipedia
The NASA X-43 was an experimental unmanned hypersonic aircraft with multiple planned scale variations meant to test various aspects of hypersonic flight. It was part of the X-plane series and specifically of NASA's Hyper-X program developed in the late 1990s. [1] It set several airspeed records for jet aircraft.
X-43A Hyper-X - NASA
2024年1月5日 · The highest speed attained by a rocket-powered airplane, NASA’s X-15 aircraft, was Mach 6.7. The fastest air-breathing, crewed vehicle, the SR-71 achieved slightly over Mach 3. The X-43A more than doubled the top speed of the jet-powered SR-71.
X-43高超音速飞机 - 百度百科
美国国家航空航天局研发的X-43是用来研究 超燃冲压发动机 的无人驾驶试验机。 X-43长3.66 m,质量为1 361 kg,仅携带9.9 kg的氢燃料。 X-43高超声速飞行器吸入空气,所以不需要携带氧化剂。 B-52载机和1枚空中发射的火箭将X-43高超声速飞行器带入高空,并推进其到飞行所需的速度。 美国共研制了3架X-43高超声速飞行器,并进行了3次测试,耗资2.3亿美元。 [1] 美国宇航局事前透露,X-43将在5月底进行第一次无人驾驶遥控试飞。 随着首次试飞时期的临近,X-43A …
X-43试验机 - 百度百科
X-43A是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)旗下德莱顿飞行研究中心(Dryden Flight Research Center)所开发的极音速(Hypersonic)飞行实验机,也是迄今为止人类所造出使用外进气动力的飞行器中,速度最快的纪录保持者,后续版本为X-43B。
This paper provides an overview of the final flight of the NASA X-43A project. The project consisted of three flights, two planned for Mach 7 and one for Mach 10.
X-43試驗機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
X-43試驗機 是美國 國家航空暨太空總署 (NASA)旗下 德萊頓飛行研究中心 (英语:Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Center) (Dryden Flight Research Center)所開發的 極音速 (Hypersonic)飛行實驗機,曾經是 飛行器 速度最快的紀錄保持者。 在系列家族中,除了最早開發的X-43A外,還另外有X-43B、C與D型等幾種衍生版本。 X-43A的設計圖。 X-43A的運作原理。 計算流體動力學 (CFD) 影像是X-43A在馬赫數7測試條件下引擎運作的情況。 在2001年6月2 …
The X-43A successfully separated from the launch vehicle and achieved stable free flight throughout the engine test. X-43A Powered Flight (Scramjet Engine Experiment): • The scramjet experiment/fuel on began approximately 5 seconds after separation • The maximum powered Mach number was 9.6 •
X-43A Hypersonic Research Vehicle (Hyper-X) - NASA
2023年8月23日 · Hitching a ride on the same B-52 mother ship that once launched X-15 research aircraft in the 1960s, NASA's X-43A... The small size of the X-43A scramjet is evident in this nose-on view while mounted to its modified Pegasus booster...
NASA Dryden X-43A Photo Collection - Armstrong Flight …
2004年11月16日 · The X-43A was a small experimental research aircraft designed to flight-demonstrate the technology of airframe-integrated supersonic ramjet or "scramjet" propulsion at hypersonic speeds above Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound. Its scramjet engine is an air-breathing engine in which the airflow through the engine remains supersonic.
NASA X-43 - Airport Technology
NASA's X-43A or Hyper-X air vehicle achieved a record-breaking speed of close to Mach 10 (12,000km/hr or 7,000mph) in a test flight in November 2004, which was the culmination of a three-flight test program.