Teach Youth Fitness | Youth Exercise Specialist (NASM-YES)
To earn your NASM Youth Exercise Specialization, you simply have to: 1) Register in the NASM YES program. 2) Complete the self-guided online study materials in your own time from the comfort of home. 3) Pass the certification exam. After completing the study materials, you’ll take an online exam to earn your Youth Exercise Specialization.
NASM-YES 青少年訓練專家課程 Youth Exercise Specialization
成為美國國家運動醫學學會 (National Academy of Sports Medicine,NASM) 的青少年訓練專家課程 (Youth Exercise Specialization),為現今的青少年提供體適能和營養學的教育吧! 參與NASM的青少年訓練專家課程,您將學到定義青少年人口的不同術語,以及因應青少年在運動計畫上所需要做的調整等等。 本課程旨在協助理解青少年在訓練過程中可能產生的反應,並進行必要的調整以達到成功的結果。 本課程將幫助健康和體適能領域的專業人士,具備有用的知識和工具,去設 …
NASM Youth Exercise Specialist (YES) Certification Review (2025)
2024年3月1日 · NASM Youth Exercise Specialist (YES) Certification Focuses on motivating youth to lead active lives and modifying exercise and nutritional recommendations for ages 6-19. Comprehensive curriculum covering cardiorespiratory training, resistance training, and more.
NASM-YES青少年运动专家国际认证课程 - 课程详情 - 奥力来中国
nasm-yes青少年运动专家国际认证课程 对教练的帮助 基于青少年心理和生理特性所规划得的训练方案,安全性和趣味性双保险
NASM - YES(视频课程要点) - 知乎专栏
yes体系中不包括2-5岁小孩的训练方式,只有6-19岁的体系 儿童与青少年在训练中有不同的反应 儿童超重定义:在相同性别的同龄人中, 身体质量指数 百分位数大于或等于85%、小于95%,即为超重。
NASM Youth Exercise Specialization (YES) - OPS
Educate today’s youth on fitness and nutrition with the NASM Youth Exercise Specialist (NASM-YES). Exercise guidelines are different for children and adults. You'll learn the different terms that identify the youth population, adjustments that need to …
NASM - Youth Exercise Specialist (YES) - Nordic Fitness Education
The NASM Youth Exercise Specialist (NASM-YES) course provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, strategies, and techniques involved in training youth aged 6 to 19. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the course content:
2022年5月5日 · NASM-YES青少年运动专家,是特别针对12-19岁青少年对体能训练专家的需求制定的学习方案,,是美国国家运动医学会经过多年积累、反复修订锤炼而成的课程,经过了时间的验证,更加可行且高效。 NASM-YES课程针对当今青少年人群需要的健身和营养教育,细致且系统地打通了成人教练与青少年人群之间的隔阂,包括不同的术语、锻炼流程、方案制定以及调整方法等内容,以在教授过程中,给予青少年科学的运动和营养指导,提升青少年运动技能的同时,让他们获得乐趣, …
NASM-YES青少年运动专家国际认证课程 - Courses - Active …
Youth Exercise Specialization (YES) Help for coaches - training programs based on the psychological and physiological characteristics of youth, with double insurance of safety and fun.
NASM Youth Exercise Specialist (YES) – Platinum Training Institute
With this fully digital program, you’ll learn about exercise variables and modifications for nutritional needs, cardiorespiratory, core, balance, plyometrics, and resistance training all geared towards younger populations.
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