993 - New Balance
Shop the largest collection of New Balance footwear, apparel and accessories at the official New Balance online store.
Made in USA 993 - New Balance
Originally introduced in 2008, the 993 combined elements of the two previous 99X series models, the 991 and 992, into one, streamlined design, and fine-tuned the ABZORB midsole cushioning. The technical sophistication of the Made in USA 993 features a mesh upper in classic core colors overlaid with premium suede, atop a dual color midsole.
993 for Men - New Balance
Shop the largest collection of New Balance footwear, apparel and accessories at the official New Balance online store.
MADE US 993 - New Balance 台灣
993 是此傳奇系列中備受喜愛的鞋型,搭配高回饋緩震中底與頂級材質,讓你盡情暢跑或一整天自在活動。 New Balance MADE US 鞋履製造過程中超過 70% 的工序都在美國境內產製並衍生當地價值,佔有 New Balance 美國部分銷售額。
New Balance中国官方商城 - 993
莅临New Balance中国官方商城,开启你的运动潮流生活! 全新的购物体验,演绎别样运动风尚,无论是推起“千禧风格”的2002R,还是满足7天x24小时全天候都市潮流生活的MET24,亦或是富有质感的英美产,不同运动潮流方向,都能轻松满足你的穿搭生活,开启随性 ...
Made in USA 993 Core - New Balance Hong Kong SAR
993於2008年首度推出,完美結合了99X系列的991及992鞋款,不但擁有流線外型,更改良了ABZORB中底技術。這款Made in USA 993選用經典色調的網眼布鞋面與頂級麂皮作拼貼,中底則採用了雙色設計。 New Balance MADE in USA系列鞋款包含最少70%的美國國內價值。
Buy New Balance 993 Shoes: New Releases & Iconic Styles - GOAT
Shop 993 shoes on GOAT. Featuring new, upcoming and iconic styles including the JJJJound x 993 Made in USA 'Mushroom', Teddy Santis x 993 Made in USA 'Shadow Grey Driftwood', 993 'Navy White' and more. Buyer protection guaranteed on all purchases
New Balance Men's Made in Us 993 V1 Running Shoe
2003年9月12日 · Try New Balance's MR993. It has a single-density PU post to help keep you stable, and plenty of cushioning in its ABZORB DTS heel, ABZORB SBS forefoot, and C-CAP midsole. The Ndurance outsole adds durability to the mix.
1/24発売|New Balance 993 3colors|抽選/販売/定価情報
2025年1月23日 · New Balance 993 3colors (ニューバランス 993 3カラー)が2025年1月24日発売! 「ニューバランス」のメイドインUSAコレクションから「993」が遂に国内に登場。 今作は、アッパーを上質なピッグスキンスウェードとメッシュ素材で構築し、ミッドソールにはABZORB DTS (アブゾーブ DTS)を搭載。 ヒール部分には"USA"のロゴを配置し、ヒールサイドには"993"の刺繍を施している。 以前まで海外でしか買えなかったということもあり、「993」 …
Buy and Sell New Balance 993 Sneakers - StockX
The New Balance 993 is a classic sneaker from the legendary New Balance 990 Series. A running shoe designed for serious running or just running around as you keep pace with life, the New Balance 993 is comfortable and functional, offering high performance.