Study an NCUK pathway programme in more than 40 countries worldwide. Start your journey locally or study abroad straight away. Our expert student support teams will guide you through every step of your journey and help find the best university and course for you.
Our Universities - NCUK
Choice of Leading Universities in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and USA University Course Finder View the thousands of courses you can progress to at an NCUK University
NCUK - Wikipedia
NCUK (also known as NCUK - University Pathways) is an organisation that provides qualifications for international students wanting to enter leading universities. The organisation's main office is located in Manchester, UK, with key staff members located in Asian regions, including China.
University Pathway Courses For International Students - NCUK
Embark on your academic journey with NCUK, where international students receive exceptional support to reach new heights. Our tailored programmes cater to diverse aspirations, offering pathways to commence your degree from the first or second year, or …
NCUK - 入读国际大学的最佳途径
通过在NCUK学习中心的学习,我掌握了很强的学术技能,尤其是写文章的能力,这也是进入大学必不可少的一项能力。 NCUK硕士预科课程无疑提升了我的语言能力。 在读学位课程期间,我在短短一个月内写完了两篇论文。 我对NCUK学生和想要出国留学的学生的建议是继续努力,为大学美好的新生活做好准备。 对我来说,NCUK是一个学习、享受和成长的绝佳平台。 在NCUK学习帮助了我很多。 它让我适应了英语教学,所以当我在大学学习的时候,我可以理解教授们在谈论 …
国际本科预科课程 - NCUK
英国北方大学联合会 - 百度百科
澳际国际学校 NCUK-IFY (International Foundation Year)本科国际 预科 课程是专门为准备到英国大学就读本科的中国学生而专门设计的桥梁课程。 由于中英两国的 教育制度 有所不同,中国学生去英国及 英联邦 国家的大学学习本科课程之前,需要有一个衔接课程,以帮助他们从国内的 教育体系 平稳过渡到国外教育中。 通过NCUK-IFY课程的学习,学生在英语 语言能力 、专业知识和学习技巧等方面都会有所提高,足以应对英国三年制的本科 学位课程。 在 国际学校 学习学术英 …
英国的其他大学 - NCUK
我们提供一系列课程——无论您想要在大学一年级或二年级开始学习您的学位课程,或者想要为升读研究生学习做准备——ncuk都可以满足您的需求。 因为我们的课程是与NCUK合作大学共同设计研发的,这些大学跻身学术水平前沿。
NCUK pathways for international students - The University of …
NCUK offers foundation and graduate pathway programmes, which are taught and quality assured by its global network of Study Centres around the world, with more than 50 Study Centres in more than 18 countries. If you pass your NCUK Qualification, you are guaranteed a place at an NCUK Partner University.
Who we are - NCUK
NCUK is a leading global pathway provider. Our university pathway programmes are developed in collaboration with top universities to ensure the highest quality educational experience. We partner with schools, colleges, universities, governments, and investors globally (known as NCUK Study Centres) to create successful pathways for students both ...
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