永磁材料在透射电镜下是什么样的? - 知乎专栏
本文系统地研究了不同高度的热变形nd-fe-b磁体的富钕相演变。 扫描电子显微镜(sem)和 透射电子显微镜 (tem)的结果表明,在热压磁体中产生了无序定向的板状
In situ TEM study of Nd-rich phase in NdFeB magnet
2005年1月1日 · Hot stage in transmission electron microscope has been used to study the structure and stability of Nd-rich phase in NdFeB magnet. The present observation shows that the so-called complex cubic phase is in fact the prototype of Mn 2 O 3 (space group Ia 3) with lattice parameter of a = 1.08 nm.
TEM测试(透射电镜)——晶体取向简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
晶体取向定义为晶体的3个晶轴(图 [100]- [010]- [001])在样品坐标系(如轧板的RD(rolling direction,轧向)-TD(transverse direction,侧向或横向)-ND(normal direction,法向)的相对方位。 从“静态”的角度看,取向的概念就是如下图所示的两个坐标系各轴相互间的夹角关系。 设α1、β1、γ1是晶体坐标轴 [100]与样品坐标轴RD,TD,ND的夹角,α2、β2、γ2是晶体坐标轴 [010]与样品坐标轴RD,TD,ND的夹角,α3、β3、γ3是晶体坐标轴 [001]与样品坐标轴RD,TD,ND的夹角。
玩转原位TEM表征:剖析Nat. Nanotechnol.、Nat. Commun.等顶 …
2021年10月15日 · 透射电子显微镜 (transmission electron microscopy, TEM) 是利用高能电子束穿透样品所激发的弹性或非弹性电子等进行成像与分析的一种表征手段。 原位TEM在提高TEM时间分辨率的同时,对薄层或纳米电池系统施加电信号等, 可以 通过多种不同的模式, 如高分辨透射电镜 (HRTEM)、扫描透射电镜 (STEM)、选区电子衍射 (SAED)、电子能量损失谱 (EELS)、能量色散X射线谱 (EDS) 等,实现从纳米甚至原子层面实时、动态监测电极、固体电解质及其界面在工 …
Nanoanalytical TEM Studies and Micromagnetic Modelling of Nd …
2015年1月1日 · The microstructural model of the grains and intergranular phases, which is used for theoretical simulations, has been derived from a detailed nanoanalytical TEM/STEM study of a Dy/Tb free magnet and a high coercive (Nd,Tb)-Fe-B magnet. Special attention is laid on the EELS analysis of GB with a thickness ranging from 2 - 30 nm. This analysis ...
Characterization of ND: TEM images of (A) as-received ND, (B) …
Figure 1 shows results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy characterization of nanodiamond powders. According to TEM, the average particle...
Structural and morphological peculiarities of hybrid Au
2016年8月12日 · Nanostructured Au nano-platelets have been synthesized from an Au (III) complex by growth process triggered by nanodiamond (ND). An electroless synthetic route has been used to obtain...
Analytical transmission electron microscopy for emerging …
2021年7月7日 · We categorize the recently prevalent analytical TEM techniques into advanced scanning TEM (STEM) resolving techniques, STEM-related data-processing techniques, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) techniques, and in situ TEM techniques.
TEM images of ND and ND@MSN. (a) Pure ND cores as imaged by TEM …
Download scientific diagram | TEM images of ND and ND@MSN. (a) Pure ND cores as imaged by TEM (b) individual ND@MSN imaged by high-resolution TEM (HRTEM).
TEM and HRTEM images of ND@ENE and ND@E NPs. (A and B …
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images revealed spherical ND@ENE NPs with diameters ranging from 170 to 190 nm (Figures 1A and S1A) and 80 to 130 nm ND@E NPs (Figures 1B and...