H.R.2670 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024
SASC and HASC Release Text of FY25 NDAA Agreement
2024年12月7日 · U.S. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Roger Wicker (R-MS), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and U.S. Representatives Mike Rogers (R-AL) and Adam Smith (D-WA), Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, today released the text of the final negotiated language for the National Defense Authori...
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (2023
2025年3月15日 · To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2024 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
SASC Completes Markup of National Defens... | U.S. Senate …
2023年6月23日 · Today, U.S. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Roger Wicker (R-MS), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, announced that the Committee voted 24-1 to advance the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024.
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Pay Raise: Authorizes a 4.5% pay raise for servicemembers and 2% pay raise for DOD civilian employees. The bill was reported favorably out of committee by a 22-3 vote. Senators Reed (D-RI), Warren (D-MA), and Cotton (R-AR) voted in opposition.
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Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorizes funding levels and provides authorities for the U.S. military and other critical defense priorities, ensuring our troops have the training, equipment, and resources they need to carry out their missions.
FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act: Context and Selected Issues for Congress Congressional Research Service 1 Introduction The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a defense policy bill, typically introduced
S.4049 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021
2020年6月23日 · National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. This bill authorizes FY2021 appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation.