NDM-86: The Chinese Dragon Of Dragunovs - RECOIL
2023年1月2日 · Born from a Soviet design, the Norinco NDM-86 is the Chinese take on the legendary Dragunov! Still a rare sight to see, let's find out how it shoots!
NDM-86 狙击步枪 - 枪炮世界
79/85式狙击步枪的外贸型主要有两种,一种是保利(Polytech)出口的,称为PDM-86,另一种是北方工业(Norinco)出口的,称为NDM-86。 国外对这两种枪的评价是:是一种优秀的狙击 …
Chinese Norinco NDM-86 / SVD (Early Style) - RussianOptics
Chinese Norinco NDM-86 / SVD (Early Style) The NDM86 is the Chinese version of the Russian SVD rifle and is patterned after the early SVD design. These rifles were manufactured by …
中国NDM-86外贸狙击步枪 美籍华人亲测最佳精度0.48MOA
2019年6月29日 · 这是美籍华人KUN收藏的一支中国北方工业公司NDM-86步枪,是79式狙击步枪的外贸版。 空枪重4.5千克,采用10发弹匣供弹。 随枪配备了国产4倍瞄准镜和清理维护套件 …
Norinco NDM-86 Dragunov Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle with Scope
Hooded post and tangent rear sights with the Norinco factory markings on the right side of the milled receiver and importer markings from the Briklee Trading Company of South El Monte, …
NDM-86 Dragunov - History in Firearms
The Chinese adopted the Type-79 sniper rifle in 1979. This was an unlicensed copy of the Russian Dragunov that had been reverse engineered from captured SVDs. This rifle was then …
NDM-86狙击步枪 - 百度百科
79式的外贸型主要有两种,一种是保利(Polytech)出口的,称为PDM-86,另一种是北方工业(Norinco)出口的,称为NDM-86。 国外对这两种枪的评价是:是一种优秀的狙击步枪。
Norinco NDM-86 - Cash My Guns
2024年4月10日 · The Norinco NDM-86, a Chinese-manufactured version of the legendary Soviet SVD (Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova, or Dragunov Sniper Rifle), holds a special place in …
NDM-86狙击步枪欣赏 - 百家号
中国生产的NDM-86系列狙击枪,已经畅销北美民间枪支市场很多年了,并且享有很高的声誉! 这是一款“系出名门”的狙击枪,在美国的枪支迷中很受欢迎。 这是中国北方实业集团生产 …
Dragunovs for Sale - Apache Arms
Here we have an extremely rare Norinco NDM-86 Deluxe package in velvet presentation case. This rifle is chambered in 7.62x54r and is the second most rare Dragunov rifle behind the …