门外汉做的一个PLL - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2016年4月25日 · 计划一个晶体管IC+电子管的接收机很长时间了,今天阶段性的试验完成了接收机的本振部分,电路由arduino+ad9850构成基准频率源驱动VCO(NE612)构成PLL系统,PLL本振输出10V ...
The circuit starts with a NE612 mixer IC (IC1), which also contains an oscillator. The oscilla-tor is a Colpitts type and is tuned here using a dual-varicap diode (D1). The Mixer is fol-lowed by a crystal filter which has a centre frequency of 45 MHz and a bandwidth of 15 kHz.
MC13135p制作的40m接收机 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论 …
2022年11月28日 · MC13135内含二次变频电路(包括mc3362),相当于两片ne612,且性能要比ne612要好,主要增益高噪音小,电路也简单容易制作。 另外mc13135与mc3362价格非常便宜一个3元一个1.2元。
NE612 heterodyne detector - Sikken
The signal of the VCO in the 4046 is buffered by feeding it into the internal phase detector. At pin 2 it exits the 4046 and is fed into a resistive divider to give a signal of about 260 mV amplitude, suitable for input into the NE612 mixer.
HAM2000收音机同步检波电路初步分析 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石 …
两路ne612相乘解调出来的信号,先经过c712/c706隔离直流分量,r717/r710是直流分量泄放通路,以免引起音频失真。 再各自经过两级RC低通滤波器,滤除乘法器输出的高频频率分量。
70 MHz all mode trx | PE1JPD amateur radio projects
The transmitter consists of a TX mixer (NE612) and a bandpass filter on 70 MHz. In the mixer the VCO signal is mixed with the SSB from the exiter in mode USB/LSB, and with a simple crystal oscillator at 10.7 MHz for FM and CW.
NE602/NE612 info
VFO is mixed with 4.0 Mhz. to get the desired 7.0 Mhz signal. The term "heterodyne" refers to the mixing function, where two different frequencies are combined in a non-linear way to generate an output waveform of a different frequency.
MIXER : The NE612 Tinkerboard - changpuak.ch
"The SA612A is a low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with on-board oscillator and voltage regulator. It is intended for low cost, low-power communication systems with signal frequencies to 500 MHz and local oscillator frequencies as high as 200 MHz.
NE612 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: Double-balanced mixer and oscillator. 5 Results. Part #: NE612A. Datasheet: 163Kb/8P. Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.
NE612 恩智浦-NXP_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_恩智浦-NXP …
替代型号 Hot! 半导小芯为您提供 NE612 恩智浦-NXP 的资料查询:恩智浦-NXP数据手册查询,恩智浦-NXP规格书查询,恩智浦-NXP datasheet查询,恩智浦-NXP IC查询、半导体查询、恩智浦-NXP芯片查询、恩智浦-NXP替代型号查询、恩智浦-NXP产品、恩智浦-NXP应用等相关信息,帮您快速找到NE612的数据手册、规格书、datasheet、替代型号、联系方式、技术参数、选型文档、技术文档、丝印Making等芯片资料。 恩智浦-NXP品牌主页、恩智浦-NXP 目录、恩智浦-NXP方 …
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