Article 505
This article covers the requirements for the zone classification system as an alternative to the division classi‐ fication system covered in Article 500 for electrical and elec‐ tronic equipment and wiring for all voltages in Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 hazardous (classified) locations where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to fla...
Article 505: Zone Locations - EC&M
2013年10月16日 · 1) 500.5 addresses Class I, II, and III locations while 505.5 addresses only Class I [505.5 (B)]. 2) 500.5 addresses the Division system while 505.5 addresses the Zone system. When applying the rules of Art. 501, you use the material group requirements of 500.6, but Art. 505 has its own material group requirements [505.6]. They differ greatly:
National Electrical Code Top Ten Tips: Article 505 - Codebookcity
Article 505 covers the requirements for the zone classification system as an alternative to the division classification system covered in Article 500 for Class I, Zone 0, 1, and 2. It's important to understand that it's not up to an electrician or engineer to decide to use this system.
北美NEC500防爆认证基本知识及其特殊要求|nec|安规|iec|可燃性_ …
2022年3月7日 · 美防爆认证主要分为NEC500系列标准和NEC505标准,NEC500主要采用国家和区域为北美(美国和加拿大)。 NEC505标准以IEC标准为基础,基本等效于IEC标准。 而根 …
防爆认证(二)NEC标准说明 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年5月15日 · NEC500系列标准是北美本地的标准,它与 IEC系列标准 在规定和要求等方面相差较大,采用的国家和区域主要是美国和加拿大及周边地区。 在防爆领域引用NEC标准的,主要认证有 NEMA防爆 、UL防爆、FM防爆、CSA防爆等NEC505系列标准是以IEC标准为基础制定的,基本等效于IEC标准。 如产品终在美国及加拿大等周边国家和地区使用,产品采用NEN标准进行,不管是NEC500还是NEC505都是可以得到认可的,但因NEC505采用的和IEC的标准基本一 …
NEC® ARTICLES 500 THROUGH 516 – TEXT AND COMMENTARY Article 500 – Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Class I, II, and III, Divisions 1 and 2 ... Article 505 – Zone 0, 1, and 2 Locations Changes to Article 505 67 505.1 Scope 67 505.2 Definitions 68 505.3 Other Articles 69 505.4 General 69
NEC 505 defines the Zone System and NEC 500 defines the Division System. Our products are certified to Class 1, Division 1, Zone 1 extending our level of protection into Division 1. The Zone classification system divides Division 1 into two zones.
NEC 500 & NEC 505 Classified Hazardous Location Heaters
The National Electric Code defines Hazardous Locations according to 2 different standards; NEC 505 and NEC 500. NEC 505 defines the Zone System and NEC 500 defines the Division System. Our hazardous area heaters are certified to Class 1, Division 1, Zone 1 extending our level of protection into Division 1.
US Area Classification per NFPA 70 National Electrical Code© (NEC©) Article 505 (gases) or 506 (dusts) CA Area Classification per CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code (CE Code) Section 18 Equipment Grouping Typical material EU (60079) IEC (60079) US (NEC 506 per 60079) IEC (61241) Methane/Firedamp I* – Acetylene IIC – Hydrogen (IIB + H 2) –
防爆区域-根据ATEX和NEC 500进行区域划分 - wago.com.cn
在北美,使用nec 500和nec 505标准这两种不同的分类系统。 其中,可燃物质分为三类(I至III类)。 I类爆炸性气体、蒸汽和雾气又细分为A、B、C、D气体组;II类可燃粉尘又细分为E、F、G组。