NESmaker - Démarrage rapide (tuto en français) | NESMakers
2018年8月17日 · Les tilesets pour la NES sont representés par 4 couleurs indexées (représentées par noir, rouge, vert, bleu, que j'appellera "RGB" durant tout ce tutorial), chaque personnage, monstre, arbre, pierre, sol, … doit être enregistré avec ces 4 couleurs dans les fichiers tileset BMP, sinon cela ne fonctionnera pas.
[4.5.9] Tutorial Guide and Notes - NESMakers
2021年3月18日 · I've been re-watching the main tutorials to refresh my memory on all of the core concepts they cover. I took notes so I could quickly revisit any particular concept I might need. Hopefully others will find this information helpful too. Common Concepts All Beginner and Intermediate tutorials...
NESmaker - Quick start (dale_coop's tutorial in English)
2018年11月22日 · Parameters: "game.nes" (automatically filled in when you select the "Working Folder"). - Then the tab "Scripts Settings". Probably the most important tab as it indicates which script should be used by the game engine for the different elements: for example what script for physics or for collisions or for sprite moves, or for picked objects, ...
BBI Modules 2.1.0 - Updated Modules and BASE + Test Games …
2024年9月15日 · PS !!!! Please remember that this is a work in progress. I recommend only using this for testing for now.
Official NESmaker Tutorials | NESMakers
2020年6月4日 · Is there instructions in how to use the NES programmer? exactspace; Dec 12, 2020; Replies 3 Views 916. Dec ...
[4.5.9] Player's Death Animation, Checkpoints and Game Over …
2023年8月23日 · Death animation, checkpoints and Game Over screen I'll explain a simple way of implementing this. Context: Your player is hurt and has no health left, instead of restarting the screen, we'll display his death animation. And if he still has lives, we'll send him back to …
Quick Reference for NESMaker ASM newbies | NESMakers
2018年9月6日 · ASM REFERENCE #$00 - Literal numer myVar - Variable myLabel:- Label ; - comment, all after the semicolon is ignored GAMEPAD BITS: 00000000 LRDUSSBA || StartSelect LDA arg - Load Argument into accumulator A - Can be a literal or a variable LDA arg1, arg2 - effectively: load value of type arg1 from object arg2 (actually uses arg2 as an offset to find arg1) store in accumulator LDX arg1, arg2 ...
[4.5.x] Animated Tiles with CHR-RAM Switching - NESMakers
2021年8月9日 · It's included by default in NES Maker. Make sure the tile layout for the screen you're trying it on is set to No Path (Main + Screen x 3) Part 1 - Sideloading more graphics This part isn't entirely necessary, you can use graphics NES Maker allows you to by default, but you'll quickly run out of room and it's kind of awkward to reference them.
Free assets - NESMakers
2019年2月5日 · I’m chaser from chasersgaming and I’m creating NES assets, free and paid content. I hope you all find them useful and I’m always looking for ways to improve and add more in the future. I haven’t actually used my asssets as yet in NESmaker, but I will over the next few weeks and hope they work OK, but il show some here.
[4.5.2] 6 color player - NESMakers
2021年5月23日 · I realize NES maker gets quite close to this already with the different palettes per sprite tile if you have multiple tile sprites, but its not quite what we are looking for. I took a look at making a separate monster follower (thanks to another users post on here) and I got a ways down that path before I realized how much I would lose on the ...