NFD | nf.domains
NFDomains is the Algorand name service and marketplace for Non-Fungible Domains — unique, readable identities for your wallet. Get started by minting an NFD. Search for the name you want and see if it's available, then connect your wallet to purchase. Browse the marketplace to find NFDs for sale or currently in auction.
如果你想知道什么是 NFT,看这篇就够了 - 知乎
NFT 全称为 Non-Fungible Token,中文意思是「 非同质化代币 」 在经济学上,「 同质化 fungible 」指的是一种物品,一单位的该物品,等价于另外的一单位该种物品。
「撕裂」 NFT 之后,社区激辩 NFD丨目击-web3资讯-ODAILY
23 日, path.eth@Cryptopathic 创建了 Feisty Doge 的 NFT 代币 NFD,这是以 狗狗币 头像为原型的碎片化 NFT 。 NFD 将原名为 Kabosu 的柴犬(狗狗币头像原型)一张照片所有权进行分割,总量为 1000 亿份,发行当日,NFD 最高涨至 0.0009 美元,近 24 小时交易量超 1.4 亿美元。
「撕裂」 NFT 之后,社区激辩 NFD丨目击 - CoinVoice
2021年8月25日 · 23 日, path.eth@Cryptopathic 创建了 Feisty Doge 的 NFT 代币 NFD,这是以狗狗币头像为原型的碎片化 NFT 。 NFD 将原名为 Kabosu 的柴犬(狗狗币头像原型)一张照片所有权进行分割,总量为 1000 亿份,发行当日,NFD 最高涨至 0.0009 美元,近 24 小时交易量超 1.4 亿美元。 发行当日,这张图片一跃成为了估值最昂贵的 NFT。 倘若将该 NFT 的碎片可视化展现,那么投资人所持的一枚 NFD 大约是这样的: 随之而来还有该事件的杠杆效应。 一些加密 …
目前国内NFT平台及玩法一览 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Feisty Doge NFT Price: NFD Live Price Chart, Market Cap ... - CoinGecko
The trading volume of Feisty Doge NFT (NFD) is $903.47 in the last 24 hours, representing a -25.30% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. Check out CoinGecko’s list of highest volume cryptocurrencies .
Technical Overview | NFD Docs
Each NFD mints its own ARC19 NFT, or "identity token", that represents your NFD's contract state, including all metadata you set. This feature is what enables NFDs to "live" in your wallet, giving you full visibility and ownership of your digital identity.
NFD币兑人民币今日价格行情, (NFD/CNY)实时汇率走势分析 - 币 …
Feisty Doge NFT (NFD) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. Feisty Doge NFT has a current supply of 100,000,000,000 with 0 in circulation. The last known price of Feisty Doge NFT is 0.00002702 USD and is down -1.25 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 14 active market(s) with $10,774.32 traded over the last 24 ...
Bridge mode | NFD
Sending tokens and NFTs through bridges via the Hyperlane network. The Bridge mode allows interaction with protocols that enable minting NFTs and sending tokens and NFTs from available networks through protocols operating on the Hyperlane network.
FAQ | NFD Docs
NFDs are smart contracts that mint their own ARC-19 NFT that acts as a dynamic representation of the NFD in your wallet. Update the avatar in an NFD and the NFT's image and properties will automatically update to reflect the change in the metadata.
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