NFPA 1670 Standard Development
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NFPA 1670 Desarrollo de la Norma
Como resultado de esta acción, la "edición actual" de la NFPA 1670 que aparece en esta página es la última edición publicada del contenido de la norma como norma independiente. Para más información y el texto de la Norma consolidada actual, ver NFPA 2500.
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NFPA staff liaison, Ken Holland, gave the committee an NFPA update on the revision cycle and the remaining process for the document. The first edition of NFPA 2500, which will include the material that was NFPA 1670, should be published in 2021 with an edition date of 2022. Also it
NFPA 1670, Norma
Aviso Importante: P ara ver las Enmiendas Interinas Tentativas (TIA) o Erratas emitidas tras la publicación de una Norma NFPA—y para suscribirte a las alertas para estar al día de futuros cambios—visita la Lista de Códigos y Normas. Para acceder a una Norma NFPA específica de la Lista, selecciona el botón "Lee más."
A recommendation was made for TC members to carefully review remaining/existing NFPA 1670 definitions to check for accuracy, relevancy, and currency given the age of the document at this point. The committee began its work on resolving the public inputs and developing first revisions.
Public Input No. 131-NFPA 2500-2019 [ Section No. 9.4.5 ] 9.4.5 Organizations operating at the technician level for animal rescue incidents shall develop and implement procedures, commensurate with the identified needs of the organization, for the following:
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