NGC 1301 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
是 波江座 的一個 星系。
NGC 1301 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Eridanus | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 1301 is a Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Eridanus constellation. NGC 1301 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 1301 Galaxy Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 1301 is an Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Eridanus in the equatorial region. NGC 1301's distance from Earth is 169,927,472.78 light years. NGC 1301 is called NGC 1301 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC 1301 – Wikipedia
NGC 1301 ist eine Balken-Spiralgalaxie mit ausgedehnten Sternentstehungsgebieten vom Hubble-Typ SBbc im Sternbild Eridanus am Südsternhimmel. Sie ist schätzungsweise 173 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt und hat einen Scheibendurchmesser von etwa 115.000 Lichtjahren.
NGC1301 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2022年2月13日 · NGC 1301 -- Emission-line galaxy The astronomical object called NGC 1301 is a Emission-line galaxy: Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref" (acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the ...
NGC 1301 - 百度百科
NGC 1301是 波江座 的一个 星系 ,发现者Stone,发现日期1886年。
NGC 1301 | galaxy in Eridanus | NGC List | GO ASTRONOMY
NGC 1301 . NGC 1301 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Eridanus. Some key stats include:
Category:NGC 1301 - Wikimedia Commons
Media in category "NGC 1301" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
NGC 1301 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 1301 是 波江座 的一個 星系。
NGC1301 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC1301 is not observable – it will reach its highest point in the sky during daytime and is no higher than 20° above the horizon at dusk. All times shown in Virginia …