NGC 2371-2 - Wikipedia
NGC 2371-2 is a dual lobed planetary nebula located in the constellation Gemini. Visually, it appears like it could be two separate objects; therefore, two entries were given to the planetary nebula by John Louis Emil Dreyer in the New General Catalogue, so it may be referred to as NGC 2371, NGC 2372, or variations on this name. [1]
Cosmic Challenge: NGC 2371 - 2372 - Cloudy Nights
2025年2月1日 · While the Eskimo Nebula dazzles with its bright, structured halo resembling a face framed by a parka, NGC 2371 - 2372 (traditionally abbreviated NGC 2371 - 2) presents a more subtle, ghostly charm. Many early observers mistakenly interpreted NGC 2371 - 2 as two separate objects.
NGC 2372 - 百度百科
NGC 2371-2是位于双子座的双瓣行星状星云。 在视觉上它看起来是两个分离的天体,因此该行星状星云的两个瓣分别被收入威廉·赫歇尔的NGC天体表,因此有时候该星云也会被分开称为NGC 2371和NGC 2372,或者是相关的变化名称。
Planetary Nebula NGC2371/2 in Gemini - Cloudy Nights
2024年12月23日 · NGC 2371-2 is a dual lobed planetary nebula located in the constellation Gemini. Visually, it appears like it could be two separate objects; therefore, two entries were given to the planetary nebula by John. Louis Emil Dreyer in the New General Catalogue, so it may be referred to as NGC 2371, NGC 2372, or variations on this name.
Peanut Nebula (NGC 2371/2) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
Those later became NGC 2371 and NGC 2372. In 1917 it was identified as a planetary nebula by Francis G. Pease. [141] At first glance, the elongated or even two-part structure is particularly striking. This is the reason why there are two entries in …
Hubble Captures Dynamic Dying Star - NASA Science
2019年8月23日 · Despite the name, such nebulae have nothing to do with planets; NGC 2371/2 formed when a Sun-like star reached the end of its life and blasted off its outer layers, shedding the constituent material and pushing it out into space to leave just a …
NGC 2371 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 2371 該星雲的視星等13等,在大多數業餘望遠鏡能觀測的極限以下。 就像大多數的行星狀星雲,使用高倍率和窄波段濾鏡,尤其是 OIII 發射線濾鏡的效果最好,它也被 加拿大皇家天文學會 列為最容易觀測的110個NGC天體列表中 [2]。
Planetary Nebula NGC 2371 and NGC 2372 in Gemini
2010年5月12日 · NGC 2371 - NGC 2372 was discovered in the 18th Century by William Herschel, and first identified as a planetary nebula by Pease in 1917. It has an obvious bipolar appearance. Note the pair of very faint "polar caps" to the upper right and lower left which represent polar outflows, probably due to stellar winds constrained by an equatorial torus.
NGC 2371/2372 (2nd attempt) (astroian) - AstroBin
NGC 2371/2372 is one of a rare number of PNe to have a hydrogen deficient star. The spectra of these CSPN are similar to the much more massive WR stars and get classified in the same way. As a group these types of PNe are more centrally condensed, have a faster expansion, and are more turbulent than other PNe.
A bi-polar planetary nebula in the constellation Gemini. It is 4,400 light years from Earth.