NGC 246 - Wikipedia
NGC 246 (also known as the Skull Nebula [5] or Caldwell 56) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Cetus. It was discovered in 1785 by William Herschel. The nebula and the stars associated with it are listed in several catalogs, as summarized by the SIMBAD database. [1] The nebula is roughly 3,500 +720 −850 light-years away. [2]
NGC 246 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 246,也稱為 骷髏星雲[4],是位於 鯨魚座 的一個 行星狀星雲。 在 SIMBAD 匯總的資料庫中,這個星雲和與它相關的恆星列在好幾個星表內 [1]。 它的距離大約在1,600 光年 [6],在星雲的中心有一顆 視星等 12等 [6] 的 白矮星 HIP 3678。 有一些業餘天文學家因為NGC 246中心恆星和周圍恆星場的排列,而稱它為"小精靈星雲"("Pac-Man Nebula") [5]。 骷髏星雲(NGC 246)的HaRGB影像。 資料來自 Liverpool Telescope (英语:Liverpool Telescope),總曝光時間 …
APOD: 2006 April 18 - NGC 246 and the Dying Star
Explanation: Appropriately nicknamed "the Skull Nebula", planetary nebula NGC 246 really does surround a dying star some 1,600 light-years away in the constellation Cetus. Expelled over a period of thousands of years, the lovely, intricate nebula is the outer atmosphere of a …
Caldwell 56 - Science@NASA
2024年9月16日 · This serene view captures a portion of the planetary nebula NGC 246, also known as Caldwell 56 (C56). Planetary nebulae are named such because when they were first observed through early telescopes, they resembled planets.
NGC 246 - The Skull Nebula - AstroBin
This happy little fellow is the planetary nebula NGC 246 discovered by William Herschel in 1785. The Skull Nebula is located in the constellation Cetus. From our vantage point, it has an angular resolution of just 3.7 arcmin. The estimated diameter is about 2.3 light-years, and is 1,600 light-years from our planet.
Skull Nebula (NGC 246) - Constellation Guide
2023年12月4日 · The Skull Nebula (NGC 246, Caldwell 56) is a bright planetary nebula located approximately 1,600 light-years away in the equatorial constellation Cetus. With an apparent magnitude of 8, it can be seen in a small telescope.
NGC 246 - 百度百科
NGC 246,也称为骷髅星云,是位于 鲸鱼座 的一个 行星状星云。 在 SIMBAD 汇总的数据库中,这个星云和与它相关的恒星列在好几个星表内。 它的距离大约在1,600 光年,在星云的中心有一颗视星等12等的 白矮星 HIP 3678。 有一些业余天文学家因为NGC 246中心恒星和周围恒星场的排列,而称它为"小精灵星云"("Pac-Man Nebula") 这个名称十分贴切,因为它的中心确有一颗濒临死亡的恒星。 这团形状复杂的星云,本来是一颗类似太阳的恒星之外层大气,在过去数千年 …
Skull Nebula - Deep⋆Sky Corner
The planetary nebula NGC 246 is also known under the name «Skull Nebula». It was discovered on 27 November 1785 by William Herschel with his 18.7 inch reflector telescope with a focal length of 20 feet. He cataloged it as V 25, whereby its class «V» stood for very large nebulae.
NGC 246(惑星状星雲・くじら座) - orio.blog
2019年2月25日 · NGC 246 (惑星状星雲) 視野角:約12′ x 08’ ↑N. くじら座の青くて大きな惑星状星雲です。 星雲の中心に見える中心星は二重星で、上の写真では分離していないので楕円形に見えます。 この二重星の暗い方の星は白色矮星まで進化していてその輻射によって周囲のガスを外に押し出しています。 (この星は1930年では9等級でしたが徐々に減光して現在は12等級です。
NGC 246 - Planetary Nebula in Cetus | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 246 is a Planetary Nebula in the Cetus constellation. NGC 246 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
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