NGC 2634 - Elliptical Galaxy in Camelopardalis - TheSkyLive
NGC 2634 is a Elliptical Galaxy in the Camelopardalis constellation. NGC 2634 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the …
NGC 2633, NGC 2634, and the Integrated Flux Nebula
2024年12月29日 · In the quiet expanse of the northern constellation Camelopardalis, the galaxies NGC 2633 and NGC 2634 are set against the ethereal backdrop of the Integrated Flux Nebula …
NGC 2634 Galaxy (UGC 4581) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 2634 is a Elliptical Galaxy located in the constellation of Camelopardalis in the northern hemisphere. NGC 2634's distance from Earth is 154,891,663.77 light years. NGC 2634 is …
NGC 2633 & 2634 - bf-astro.com
At the top, is the spiral galaxy NGC 2633, at a distance of 98 million light years. Below is the shell galaxy NGC 2634 and nearby 2634A. NGC 2634 is at a distance of about 103 million light …
NGC2634 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC2634 is visible all night because it is circumpolar. It will be highest in the sky at 22:00, 52° above your northern horizon. At dusk, it will become visible at around …
NGC 2633 & NGC 2634 behind the IFN (pete_xl) - AstroBin
The two galaxies NGC 2633 and 2634 are located in the constellation Camelopardis. NGC2633 is about 102 million lightyears away and NGC 2634 about 40 million lightyears more. They …
Hanson Astronomy Photos-NGC 2634
Telescope: Planewave 17" f6.7 on a Planewave HD Mount Camera: SBIG 16803. Location: Stellar Winds Observatory at DSNM, Animas, New Mexico. Exposure: Luminance 600min 225 …
NGC 2634: The Calm before the Storm - Sky & Telescope
NGC 2634 was the choice. It would be above 30° between 7:30 PM and 4:30 AM (9 hours) with the sky between 21.0 and 21.3 SQM for the entire 9 hours. For this I switched from the …
NGC 2633, NGC 2634(銀河・きりん座) - orio.blog
2020年8月8日 · NGC 2633 = Arp 80で、片腕に高輝度部分を持つ特異渦状銀河とされます。 東側の腕だけにいくつもの明るい星団雲が存在し、棒構造の南北の端には明るい部分が見え、こ …
NGC 2633 / 2634 in Camelopardalis - AstroBin
This entire field is Permeated by integrated flux nebula. Imaged on 12-01-2021 Luminance of 24 x 300 RGB of 4 x 300 each All binned 2 x 2 Celestron 11" scope QHY9m camera