Messier 95 - Wikipedia
Messier 95, also known as M95 or NGC 3351, is a barred spiral galaxy about 33 million light-years away in the zodiac constellation Leo. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781, and catalogued by compatriot Charles Messier four days later.
Multiwavelength View of NGC 3351 (Hubble, VLT, ALMA) - Webb
2022年1月19日 · This image of spiral galaxy NGC 3351 combines observations from several observatories to reveal details about its stars and gas. Radio observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) show dense molecular gas in magenta.
Webb and Hubble's Views of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3351
2024年1月29日 · Face-on spiral galaxy, NGC 3351, is split diagonally in this image: The James Webb Space Telescope’s observations appear on bottom right, and the Hubble Space Telescope’s at top left.
NGC 3351 - ESA/Webb
2024年1月29日 · [Image description: Webb’s image of NGC 3351 shows a face-on barred spiral galaxy anchored by its central region, which is oval and shows a bright white point at the centre with darker and lighter yellow ovals around it. The galaxy’s filamentary spiral orange arms rotate clockwise and form a wide circular structure at the outer edges.]
M95 (棒旋星系) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M95 (也稱為 NGC 3351)是一個位於 獅子座 的 棒旋星系,由法國天文學家 皮埃爾·梅香 (Pierre Méchain)於1781年所發現, 查爾斯·梅西耶 於發現4天後將它登記為 梅西耶天體。
NGC 3351 - 百度百科
NGC 3351(也称为M95)是一个位于狮子座的棒旋星系,由法国天文学家皮埃尔·梅香(Pierre Méchain)于1781年所发现,查尔斯·梅西耶于发现4天后将它登记为梅西耶天体。
Rings upon rings - ESA/Hubble
2018年10月8日 · This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reveals a spiral galaxy named Messier 95 (also known as M95 or NGC 3351). Located about 35 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (The Lion), this swirling spiral was discovered by astronomer Pierre Méchain in 1781, and catalogued by French astronomer Charles Messier just four ...
Messier 95 - the NGC 3351 Barred Spiral Galaxy - Universe Today
2021年12月6日 · One of these objects is Messier 95 (aka. NGC 3351), a barred spiral galaxy located about 33 million light-years away. Measuring over 80,000 light-years, or 24.58 …
Multiwavelength View of NGC 3351 (Hubble, VLT, ALMA Compass …
2022年1月19日 · This composite image of NGC 3351, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and the Very Large Telescope’s Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument, shows compass arrows and labels for reference.
Messier 95. NGC 3351 – Astrodrudis
2021年2月21日 · One red supergiant star in this galaxy underwent a supernova explosion in March 2012 (SN II-P 2012aw). It was classified as a Type II-Plateau (II-P) because of the pronounced flattening of its light curve after 26 days of its peak. This supernova was captured by numerous amateur and professional astronomers at the time.
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