Arp 299 - Wikipedia
Arp 299 (parts of it also known as IC 694 and NGC 3690) is a pair of colliding galaxies approximately 134 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. Both of the galaxies involved in the collision are barred irregular galaxies. NGC 3690 was discovered on 18 March 1790 by German-British astronomer William Herschel. [1]
Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 3690 - NASA Science
2008年4月24日 · This system consists of a pair of galaxies, dubbed NGC 3690 (or Arp 299), which made a close pass some 700 million years ago. As a result of this interaction, the system underwent a fierce burst of star formation. In the last fifteen …
Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 3690 | HubbleSite
2008年4月24日 · This system consists of a pair of galaxies, dubbed NGC 3690 (or Arp 299), which made a close pass some 700 million years ago. As a result of this interaction, the system underwent a fierce burst of star formation.
NGC 3690 | ESA/Hubble - www.spacetelescope.org
2008年4月24日 · This system consists of a pair of galaxies, dubbed IC 694 and NGC 3690, which made a close pass some 700 million years ago. As a result of this interaction, the system underwent a fierce burst of star formation.
阿普299 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿普 299 (也稱為ic 694和ngc 3690) 是一對在大熊座內距離地球大約1億3千4百萬光年遠的星系。 IC 694是主要的星系,而NGC 3690是附屬的星系,它們都是 有棒不規則星系 。
NGC 3690 - 百度百科
NGC 3690 (也称为IC 694和 阿普299) 是一对在 大熊座 内距离地球大约1亿3千4百万光年远的星系。 NGC 3690是位于 大熊座 的一个星系。 它的赤经为 11 28.5,赤纬为 58° 33′,大小 2.4′。 还不完全清楚哪个对象在历史上被称为IC 694。 据一些消息人士说,主对的一个弧分钟西北 [需要澄清]的小附件实际上是IC 694,而不是主要的 (东部)同伴。 IC 694是主要的星系,而NGC 3690是附属的星系,它们都是 有棒不规则星系。
ESA Science & Technology - Arp 299 - European Space Agency
This system consists of a pair of galaxies, IC 694 and NGC 3690, which made a close pass some 700 million years ago. As a result of this interaction, the system underwent a fierce burst of star formation.
NGC 3690 GalaxyFacts & Picture - Universe Guide
NGC 3690 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Ursa Major in the northern hemisphere. NGC 3690 is called NGC 3690 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to update John Herschel's earlier work.
Extreme Star Formation in the Interacting Galaxy Arp 299 (IC 694 + NGC …
2000年4月1日 · We present a comprehensive study of the star formation properties of the infrared luminous galaxy Arp 299 (IC 694 + NGC 3690). The observations include Hubble Space Telescope ( HST) NICMOS imaging and Multiple Mirror Telescope optical and near-infrared spectroscopy together with HST archival data.
NGC 3690, IC 694(Arp 299・銀河・おおぐま座) - orio.blog
2017年6月14日 · NGC 3690, IC 694(Arp 299) 視野角:約12′ x 8’ ↑N. NGC 3690は衝突する2つの銀河PGC 35321とPGC 35326を示しています。 IC 694は北側にある小さな円形(E?)の銀河で、3つの銀河は特異銀河カタログのArp 299に含まれます。 例によってICの位置は曖昧なので表記に若干の混乱がありはっきりしません。 ペアの東側の銀河をIC 694とするものもあります。 NGC 3690を形成する2つの銀河は約6億年前に衝突を始めたと考えられ、相互作用の結果銀河 …