NGC 4175 (UGC 7211) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4175 Location. NGC 4175 location is 12 12 31.086 (R.A.) and +29 10 08.06 (Dec.). They are celestial equivalents of Longitude and Latitude. The right ascension (longitude) is the angular distance of an object along the celestial equator from the March Equinox. As a rough guide, the March Equinox is located in the constellation of Pisces.
The Box (Hickson 61) | Deep⋆Sky Corner
The galaxy NGC 4175 in the west of the group of four is a spiral galaxy of type S or Sb, roughly like M 31. The angle of inclination is 86 degrees, so we are almost looking at the edge. Their escape speed is somewhat higher with about 3900 km/s relative to the local group, which equates to a distance of 170 million light years. ...
NGC 4175 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Coma Berenices - TheSkyLive
NGC 4175 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 13.45, NGC 4175 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 10 inches (250mm) or more.
Hickson 61 -- The Box - Skyhound
NGC 4175 is 14.3-magnitude edge-on spiral that shows evidence of interaction with a neighbor. At 260x this galaxy appeared as an elongated haze. Finally, NGC 4173 is the largest of the four, but the most difficult. Another interacting spiral galaxy, this 13.8 magnitude galaxy has a very low mean surface brightness of 23.7 mag/arc-sec 2. This ...
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 4150 - 4199 - cseligman.com
NGC 4175 = PGC 38912, and with NGC 4169, 4173 and 4174 = The Box) Discovered (Apr 11, 1785) by William Herschel A 13th-magnitude spiral galaxy (type Sbc) in Coma Berenices (RA 12 12 31.0, Dec +29 10 07) Based on a recessional velocity of 4010 km/sec, NGC 4185 is about 185 million light years away. Given that and its 1.8 by 0.4 arcmin apparent ...
Hickson 61 "The Box" (Jerry Yesavage) - AstroBin
2024年5月27日 · It shows the same escape speed as NGC 4169, indicating the same distance of 170 million light-years. NGC 4175: Positioned in the western part of the group. It is a spiral galaxy of type S or Sb, roughly similar to M 31 (the Andromeda Galaxy). The angle of inclination is 86 degrees, so we are almost looking at the edge of NGC 4175.
Hickson Compact Group 61 (NGC4169, NGC4173, NGC4174, NGC4175)
June 3, 6, 2024 ZIONSVILLE, IN, BORTLE 6-7 Celestron C8, Celestron Focal Reducer 0.63, ZWO AM5, ASIAIR, GUIDED ZWO DUO-BAND FILTER, ASI294MC PRO, CAMERA GAIN 120, -10 C, 10 DARKS, 20 FLATS, 20 BIAS. 20 DARK FLATS Total 183 SUBS EACH 180 SEC, DEEP SKY STACKER 4.2.6, GraXpert, Pixinsight, BlurXterminator, NoiseXterminator, StarXterminator, The Hickson Compact Group 61 in Hickson's Atlas of ...
NGC 4169, 4173, 4175, 4174(銀河・かみのけ座) - orio.blog
2022年3月11日 · が、赤方偏移からの推定距離を見ると明らかなようにngc 4173は手前にある銀河です。グループを組んでいる銀河はngc 4169, 4174, 4175の3つの銀河ということになります。ngc 4169はsy2の活性銀河核を持つ大型のレンズ状銀河でこのグループの中心銀河でしょう。
The Box (Hickson 61) - David Darling
The brightest member, NGC 4169, is a magnitude 13.3 lenticular galaxy. NGC 4174 is a nearly edge-on magnitude 14.5 spiral. NGC 4175 is a magnitude 14.3 edge-on spiral that shows evidence of interaction with its apparent neighbor, NGC 4173, which is the largest of the four but the most difficult to see because of its low surface brightness.
NGC 4175 - galaxy. Description NGC 4175: - kosmoved.ru
Object NGC 4175 is located exactly in the center of the picture.: NGC 4175 - galaxy in the constellation Comae Berenices Type: Sbc - The angular dimensions: 1.80'x0.4' magnitude: V=13.3 m; B=14.2 m The surface brightness: 12.8 mag/arcmin 2 Coordinates for epoch J2000: Ra= 12 h 12 m 31 s; Dec= 29°10'7" redshift (z): 0.013384 The distance from the Sun to NGC 4175: based on the amount of ...