NGC 4298 - Wikipedia
NGC 4298 is a flocculent [3] [4] [5] [6] spiral galaxy located about 53 million light-years away [7] in the constellation Coma Berenices. The galaxy was discovered by astronomer William Herschel on April 8, 1784 [ 8 ] and is a member of the Virgo Cluster .
NGC 4298 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 4298 是一個 絮結螺旋星系 [3][4][5][6],位於 后髮座,距離 地球 約5,300萬 光年 [7]。 NGC 4298由 天文學家 威廉·赫歇爾 於1784年4月8日發現 [8],是 室女座星系團 的成員之一 [9][10][11]。 NGC 4298可能擁有一個 中等質量黑洞,估計其質量在20,000( (2 × 104)至 500,000(5 × 105)倍太陽質量之間 [12]。 NGC 4298似乎與 NGC 4302 形成相互作用 [13][14][15][13][2][14][16][15][17][18][4]。
Spiral Galaxy Pair NGC 4302 and NGC 4298 - NASA Science
2017年4月20日 · This video zooms into the Virgo Cluster of nearly 2,000 galaxies, then into tight Hubble Space Telescope images of spiral galaxies NGC 4302 (left) and NGC 4298 (right) in visible and infrared light. Located approximately 55 million light-years away, the starry pair offers a...
Spiral Galaxy Pair NGC 4302 and NGC 4298 from Hubble
2018年5月15日 · The edge-on galaxy is called NGC 4302, and the tilted galaxy is NGC 4298. These galaxies look quite different because we see them angled at different positions on the sky. From our view on Earth, researchers report an inclination of 90 degrees for NGC 4302, which is exactly edge on.
Hubble Image of NGC 4302 and NGC 4298 - SpaceNews
2017年4月21日 · This year’s anniversary image features a pair of spiral galaxies known as NGC 4302 — seen edge-on — and NGC 4298, both located 55 million light-years away in the northern constellation of Coma...
This image shows computer visualizations of NGC 4302 (left) and NGC 4298 (right). The computer models of both galaxies have been rotated to show a more face-on view. This perspective exposes the spiral galaxies’ structures, including the central bulge of stars, spiral arms, dust clouds, and bright young star clusters. Spiral galaxies show
Infrared Image of Galaxy Pair NGC 4302 and NGC 4298
2017年4月20日 · This video zooms into the Virgo Cluster of nearly 2,000 galaxies, then into tight Hubble Space Telescope images of spiral galaxies NGC 4302 (left) and NGC 4298 (right) in visible and infrared light. Located approximately 55 million light-years away, the starry pair offers a...
APOD: 2017 April 21 - NGC 4302 and NGC 4298
2017年4月21日 · But tilted more nearly face-on to our view, NGC 4298 can show off dust lanes along spiral arms traced by the bluish light of young stars, as well as its bright yellowish core. In celebration of the 27th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope on April 24, 1990, astronomers used the legendary telescope to take this gorgeous ...
NGC 4298 and NGC 4302, close pair of Spiral Galaxies
NGC 4298 is the lower galaxy. This is a 9 minute exposure with an ST-6 CCD camera thru Kopernik's 20-inch F/8.1 Ritchey Chretien Cassegrain telescope. The field of view is about 5x7 arc minutes, with west at the top.
NGC4302 and NGC4298 – A Pair of Spiral Galaxies
2021年3月31日 · The edge-on galaxy is called NGC 4302, and the tilted galaxy is NGC 4298. These galaxies look quite different because we see them angled at different positions on the sky.