Messier 84 - Wikipedia
Messier 84 or M84, also known as NGC 4374, is a giant elliptical or lenticular galaxy in the constellation Virgo. Charles Messier discovered the object in 1781 [a] in a systematic search for "nebulous objects" in the night sky. [7]
M84 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m84(也稱為ngc 4374)是一個位於室女座的透鏡狀星系,深入於室女座星系團的核心內部,距離地球大約有5300萬光年遠 [3] ,是室女座星系團中最明亮的星系之一。
Messier 84 - Messier Objects
2015年8月14日 · This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image captures the galaxy Messier 84 — also known as NGC 4374 — an object from the Messier catalogue, published in its final version in 1781 by Charles Messier. This elliptical galaxy was discovered in March 1781 and lies about 60 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Virgo (The ...
M84 - NASA Science
2023年8月9日 · This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image captures the galaxy Messier 84 — also known as NGC 4374 — an object from the Messier catalogue, published in its final version in 1781 by Charles Messier. This elliptical galaxy was discovered in March 1781 and lies about 60 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Virgo (The ...
NGC 4374 - 百度百科
ngc 4374(也称为m84)是一个位于室女座的透镜状星系,深入于室女座星系团的核心内部,距离地球大约有5300万光年远 ,是室女座星系团中最明亮的星系之一。
M84, NGC 4374 - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · m84, ngc 4374 M84 is an elliptical galaxy of type E1 and a member of the large Virgo Cluster of galaxies. There are also some suggestions that it is actually a face-on lenticular galaxy.
m84(也称为ngc 4374)是一个位于室女座的透镜状星系,直径约50多光年,距离6千万光年。 深入于室女座星系团的核心内部,距离地球大约有5300万光年远 ,1781年3月18日梅西叶发现并编号。
Messier 84 - M84
Messier 84 or M84 (also designated NGC 4374) is a lenticular galaxy in the constellation Virgo. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9.1 and its angular diameter is 5 arc-minutes. M84 lies at an estimated distance of 60 million light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 12h 25.1m, Dec= +12° 53´ which makes M84 best seen during the spring.
Messier 84 (NGC 4374) | Virgo - GO ASTRONOMY
Messier 84 (NGC 4374) is a lenticular galaxy located in the constellation Virgo in the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. M84 is 55000000 light years away from Earth. M84 is best viewed during late spring, is magnitude 10.1, and can be viewed with small telescope. M84 is 6.5' x 5.6' in apparent size.
Chandra :: Photo Album :: NGC 4374 :: January 10, 2008
Spinning Black Holes Survey (NGC 4374): Chandra Data Reveal Rapidly Whirling Black Holes Results from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, combined with new theoretical calculations, provide one of the best pieces of evidence yet that many supermassive black holes are spinning extremely rapidly.