Eyes Galaxies - Wikipedia
The Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4435-NGC 4438, also known as Arp 120) are a pair of galaxies about 52 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo. The pair are members of the string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain.
双眼星系 - 百度百科
双眼星系 (NGC 4435-NGC 4438,也称为阿普 120)是一对距离5,200万光年,位于 室女座 的星系。 NGC 4435是一个有短棒的 透镜星系, 史匹哲太空望远镜 发现在它的中心区域有着相对是年轻 (1亿9000万年) 的恒星族群,它们可能起源于与NGC 4438的交互作用。 它也有可能是与上述星系交互作生用所产生的长长的潮汐尾。 NGC 4438是在室女座星系群有交互作用的最奇特星系,由于环境中有不确定的能量机制使核心在加热中;这种能量机制可能是 星暴 区域,或是 活跃星系 …
NGC 4438 - Science@NASA
2000年6月5日 · A monstrous black hole's rude table manners include blowing huge bubbles of hot gas into space. At least, that's the gustatory practice followed by the supermassive black hole residing in the hub of the nearby galaxy NGC 4438. Known as …
Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4435 and NGC 4438) - Constellation Guide
2016年11月16日 · This striking image, taken with the FORS2 instrument on the Very Large Telescope, shows a beautiful yet peculiar pair of galaxies, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435, nicknamed The Eyes. The larger of these, at the top of the picture, NGC 4438, is thought to have once been a spiral galaxy that was strongly deformed by collisions in the relatively recent past.
NGC 4438 NGC 4435 The Eyes Galaxies - AstroBin
Wikipedia: The Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4435-NGC 4438, also known as Arp 120) are a pair of galaxies about 52 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo. The pair are members of the string of gala...
Feasting Black Hole Blows Bubbles from Galaxy NGC 4438
2000年6月5日 · Known as a peculiar galaxy because of its unusual shape, NGC 4438 is in the Virgo Cluster, 50 million light-years from Earth. These NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of the galaxy's central region clearly show one of the bubbles rising from a dark band of dust.
APOD: 2007 June 8 - Markarian's Eyes
Prominent in Markarian's Chain are these two interacting galaxies, NGC 4438 (left) and NGC 4435 - also known as The Eyes. About 50 million light-years away, the two galaxies appear to be about 100,000 light-years apart in this sharp close-up, but have likely approached to within an estimated 16,000 light-years of each other in their cosmic past.
NGC4438 | Max Planck Institut for Radio Astronomy / Atlas of …
The galaxy NGC 4438 belongs to the Hubble class SA (s)0/a (peculiar). The inclination of its disk is unclear; values range between 68° and 85° with respect to the sky plane. This galaxy has a distance median value of 13 Mpc.
NGC 4438 Facts (UGC 7574) & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4438 is an Active Galactic Nuclei/Nucleus located in the constellation of Virgo in the equatorial region. NGC 4438's distance from Earth is 37,876,540.14 light years. NGC 4438 is called NGC 4438 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC 4438 - The Eyes - FLC Observatory - Fort Lewis College
NGC 4438 - The Eyes: This pair of interacting galaxies, called "The Eyes" is in the Virgo Cluster of galaxies near the boundary between the constellations Virgo and Coma Berenices. The larger galaxy is designated NGC 4438, and the smaller galaxy is designated NGC 4435.