Messier 49 - Wikipedia
Messier 49 (also known as M49 or NGC 4472) is a giant elliptical galaxy about 56 million light-years away in the equatorial constellation of Virgo. This galaxy was discovered by astronomer Charles Messier in 1777.
M49 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M 49,也稱為 梅西耶49 或 NGC 4472,是一個巨大的 橢圓星系,位置在 赤道 星座 室女座 內,距離地球約5,600萬 光年。 這個星系是天文學家 梅西耶 在1777年發現的 [a]。 做為一個橢圓星系,M49還有 電波星系 的物理形態,但它只有正常星系的電波發射。 從檢測到的電波發射情況來看,核心區域大約為10 53 爾格 (10 46 J 或10 22 YJ)的同步加速能量 [2]。 這個星系的 核心 正在發射X射線,這表明核心可能有一個 超大質量黑洞,估計質量為 5.65 × 108 太陽質量 (或太陽質量 …
Messier 49 - Messier Objects
2015年5月29日 · Messier 49 (M49) is an elliptical galaxy located in the southern constellation Virgo. The galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 9.4 and lies at a distance of 55.9 million light years from Earth. It has the designation NGC 4472 in the New General Catalogue.
Messier 49 (NGC 4472) | Virgo - GO ASTRONOMY
Messier 49 (NGC 4472) is an elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Virgo in the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. M49 is 56000000 light years away from Earth. M49 is best viewed during late spring, is magnitude 9.4, and can be viewed with binoculars. M49 is 10' x 8' in apparent size.
Messier 49 - the NGC 4472 Elliptical Galaxy - Universe Today
2017年7月3日 · "We present the analysis of the Chandra ACIS observations of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4472. The Chandra Observatory's arcsec resolution reveals a number of new features.
Messier 49 / NGC 4472 The most luminous galaxy - AstroBin
Messier 49 or NGC 4472 is an elliptical galaxy located in the constellation of Virgo. Discovered by the astronomer Charles Messier, and at a distance of about 56 million light-years, M 49 is the brightest member of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, and besides, it is the most luminous galaxy of all the galaxies closer to Earth.
Extended X-Ray Study of M49: The Frontier of the Virgo Cluster
2019年6月7日 · In this paper, we present our study of M49 (NGC 4472), a galaxy group residing beyond the virial radius of a galaxy cluster, Virgo, the true frontier of cluster evolution. Virgo is the nearest galaxy cluster at a distance of ∼16 Mpc.
M49, NGC 4472 | NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · m49, ngc 4472 An elliptical galaxy of type E1 in the constellation Virgo, M49 is a perhaps less well known member of the Virgo Cluster, which contains M87, M86 and M84, amongst others. Nearly spherical, it has almost no gas or dust between its stars and shows no evidence of recent star formation.
Messier 49 - M49 - AstroPixels
Messier 49 or M49 (also designated NGC 4472) is a elliptical galaxy in the constellation Virgo. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 8.4 and its angular diameter is 9x7.5 arc-minutes. M49 lies at an estimated distance of 60 million light years.
NGC 4472 - (Intro to Astronomy) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
NGC 4472, also known as Messier 49, is a giant elliptical galaxy located in the Virgo Cluster, one of the largest known galaxy clusters in the local universe. It is a prominent and well-studied galaxy that serves as an important example in the context of …