NGC 4921 - Wikipedia
NGC 4921 is a large barred spiral galaxy in the Coma Cluster, located in the constellation Coma Berenices.It was discovered by German-British astronomer William Herschel on 11 April 1785. [4] It is about 320 million light-years from Earth. [3] The galaxy has a nucleus with a bar structure that is surrounded by a distinct ring of dust that contains recently formed, hot blue stars.
Galaxy at the Edge - NASA Science
2010年8月30日 · Spiral galaxy NGC 4921 presently is estimated to be 320 million light years distant. This image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, is being used to identify key stellar distance markers known as Cepheid variable stars. The magnificent spiral NGC 4921 has been informally dubbed anemic because of its low rate of star formation and low surface ...
NGC 4921 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 4921是一個后髮座星系團內的棒旋星系,位於后髮座,距離地球約3.2億光年 [3] 這個星系有一個帶有棒狀結構的核心,周圍由含有新形成的高溫藍色恆星的明顯塵埃環環繞。 它的外部則是不尋常地平滑,且欠缺明顯的螺旋臂結構 [4] 。
Exceptionally deep view of strange galaxy | ESA/Hubble
2009年2月5日 · NGC 4921 is one of the rare spirals in Coma, and a rather unusual one — it is an example of an "anaemic spiral" where the normal vigorous star formation that creates a spiral galaxy’s familiar bright arms is much less intense. As a result there is just a delicate swirl of dust in a ring around the galaxy, accompanied by some bright young ...
NGC 4921 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
ngc 4921是一個后髮座星系團內的棒旋星系,位於后髮座,距離地球約3.2億光年 [3] 這個星系有一個帶有棒狀結構的核心,周圍由含有新形成的高溫藍色恆星的明顯塵埃環環繞。 它的外部則是不尋常地平滑,且欠缺明顯的螺旋臂結構 [4] 。
NGC 4921 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
ngc 4921是一个后发座星系团内的棒旋星系,位于后发座,距离地球约3.2亿光年 [3] 这个星系有一个带有棒状结构的核心,周围由含有新形成的高温蓝色恒星的明显尘埃环环绕。 它的外部则是不寻常地平滑,且欠缺明显的螺旋臂结构 [4] 。
Unusual spiral NGC 4921 in the Coma Galaxy Cluster
2009年2月5日 · This very deep image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the spiral galaxy NGC 4921 along with a spectacular backdrop of more distant galaxies. It was created from a total of 80 separate pictures through yellow and near-infrared filters. Credit: NASA, ESA and K. Cook (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) ...
APOD: 2009 February 9 - Anemic Galaxy NGC 4921 at the Edge
Since NGC 4921 is a member of the Coma Cluster of Galaxies, refining its distance would also allow a better distance determination to one of the largest nearby clusters in the local universe. The magnificent spiral NGC 4921 has been informally dubbed anemic because of its low rate of star formation and low surface brightness.
APOD: 2019 May 15 - Anemic Spiral NGC 4921 from Hubble
Since NGC 4921 is a member of the Coma Cluster of Galaxies, refining its distance would also allow a better distance determination to one of the largest nearby clusters in the local universe. The magnificent spiral NGC 4921 has been informally dubbed anemic because of its low rate of star formation and low surface brightness .
ESA - Exceptionally deep view of strange galaxy
2009年2月5日 · NGC 4921 is one of the rare spirals in Coma, and a rather unusual one — it is an example of an ‘anaemic spiral’ where the normal vigorous star formation that creates a spiral galaxy’s familiar bright arms is less intense. As a result there is just a delicate swirl of dust in a ring around the galaxy, accompanied by some bright young ...