APOD: 2010 July 2 - Galaxies on a String
Also known as Keenan's system (for its discoverer) and Arp 104, the interacting galaxy pair is some 17 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. The debris trail that joins …
NGC 5218 Galaxy (UGC 8529) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 5218 is a Barred Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Ursa Major in the northern hemisphere. NGC 5218's distance from Earth is 167,709,609.41 light years. NGC 5218 is …
NGC 5218 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major - theskylive.com
NGC 5218 is a Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Ursa Major constellation. NGC 5218 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the …
Arp 104 Keenan’s System (NGC 5216 & NGC 5218) - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · Arp 104, also known as Keenan’s System, consists of the two spiral galaxies NGC 5216 (bottom) and NGC 5218 (top). The two are connected by a thin stream of gas, in …
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 5200 - 5249 - cseligman.com
2023年8月16日 · Based on a recessional velocity of 2935 km/sec, NGC 5218 is about 130 million light years away, in fair agreement with a redshift-independent distance of 165 million light years.
NGC 5216/5218 (Arp 104) and NGC 5205 - AstroBin
2020年2月5日 · Also known as Keenan's system (for its discoverer) and Arp 104, the interacting galaxy pair is some 17 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. The debris trail …
APOD: 2008 July 31 - Galaxies on a String
The debris trail that joins them, along with NGC 5218's comma-shaped extension and the distorted arms of NGC 5216 are a consequence of mutual gravitational tides that disrupt the …
NGC 5216 and 5218 (Arp 104) With NGC 5205 - Cloudy Nights
2016年5月22日 · Arp 104 is made up of NGC 5216 and NGC 5218. NGC 5216 is Magnitude 12.6 and is 1.8'x1.2'. NGC 5218 is slightly larger and brighter at Magnitude 12.3 and 1.8x1.3. …
[1009.0219] Optical Structure and Evolution of the Arp 104 …
2010年9月1日 · Arp 104 is a pair of luminous interacting galaxies consisting of NGC 5216, an elliptical, and NGC 5218, a disturbed disk galaxy and joined by a stellar bridge. We obtained …
NGC 5216 and NGC 5218 - NOIRLab
2014年4月9日 · The masses of the galaxies, their intrinsic internal structures, and their relative velocities (timescales) ultimately determine the resulting structure of the interaction.In this …