NGC 5421 - Galaxy Pair in Canes Venatici | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 5421 is a Galaxy Pair in the Canes Venatici constellation. NGC 5421 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 14.3, NGC 5421 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
ngc 5421 (astroeyes) - AstroBin
Arp 111/NGC 5421 is a pair of galaxies in eastern Canes Venatici about 360 million light-years away. Halton Arp put it in his category of elliptical or elliptical like galaxies repelling spiral arm of a companion spiral. The arm of the spiral does seem to bend away from the elliptical like galaxy.
Mantrap Skies Astronomical Image Catalog: ARP111
Arp 111/NGC 5421 is a pair or trio of galaxies in eastern Canes Venatici about 360 million light-years away. Arp put it in his category of elliptical or elliptical-like galaxies repelling spiral arm of a companion spiral. Since gravity can't repel (or at least we have no evidence it can be a repelling force) I don't understand what Arp means.
Arp 111 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2023年7月26日 · Arp 111 - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Arp 111 consists of NGC 5421 (UGC 8941, PGC 49950, VV 120/a and others) above UGC 8941 S (PGC 49949, VV 120c and others). Arp added this one to his E and E-like Galaxies with Repelling Spiral Arms. These are located approximately 360 million light-years away in Canes Venatici. MCG+06-31-046 (VV 120d and e), the odd galaxy below Arp 111, might ...
NGC 5421 Galaxy Facts (UGC 8941) - Universe Guide
NGC 5421 Location. NGC 5421's location is 14 01 41.55 (R.A.) and +33 49 30.5 (Dec.). They are celestial equivalents of Longitude and Latitude. The right ascension (longitude) is the angular distance of an object along the celestial equator from the March Equinox. As a rough guide, the March Equinox is located in the constellation of Pisces.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 5400 - 5449 - cseligman.com
2021年10月30日 · Use By The Arp Atlas: PGC 49949 and NGC 5421 are used by the Arp Atlas as an example of an elliptical galaxy (PGC 49949) repelling a spiral galaxy's (NGC 5421) arms, with the comment "Elliptical galaxy apparently bending arm at root."
NGC5421 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC5421 is visible in the morning sky, becoming accessible around 22:37, when it reaches an altitude of 21° above your north-eastern horizon.It will then reach its highest point in the sky at 04:23, 86° above your southern horizon. It will be lost to dawn twilight around 05:47, 72° above your western horizon.
NGC 5421 NED01 | galaxy in Canes Venatici | New General …
NGC 5421 NED01 is a late spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Canes Venatici. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC 5421 NED01: NGC: NGC 5421 NED01: Type: galaxy: Galaxy …
NGC 5421 - Wikipedia
NGC 5421 este o interacțiune de galaxii situată în constelația Câinii de Vânătoare. [3] [4] [5] A fost descoperită în 9 iunie 1880 de către Édouard Stephan (d). [6] Note
Arp 111 The "Lost" Arp - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy …
2011年9月17日 · Arp 111 The Lost Arp - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I processed this one last March. It was taken a April 18, 2010. Somehow it got overlooked on the hard drive. My foolproof system of following all these images through the system seems to have not been so foolproof after all. 6 months later I accidentally found it. Arp 111/NGC 5421 is a pair or trio of galaxies in eastern Canes ...