Arp 271 - Wikipedia
Arp 271 is a pair of similarly sized interacting spiral galaxies, NGC 5426 and NGC 5427, in the constellation of Virgo. It is not certain whether the galaxies are going to eventually collide or not.
Hubble Observes a Galactic Distortion - NASA Science
2024年1月31日 · The galaxy NGC 5427 shines in the large image from Hubble, with ground-based observations showing its companion galaxy NGC 5426. Together, this pair is known as Arp 271.
NGC 5426/5427 - Science@NASA
1997年10月21日 · Object Name A name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object. This Hubble Space Telescope image provides a detailed look at a brilliant "fireworks show" at the center of a collision between two galaxies. Hubble has uncovered over 1,000 bright, young star clusters bursting to life as a result of the head-on wreck.
Hubble Space Telescope Zooms in on NGC 5427 - Sci.News
2024年2月1日 · Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have captured a striking photo of NGC 5427, which is part of the interacting galaxy pair Arp 271. This Hubble image shows NGC 5427, a spiral galaxy located some 120 million light-years away in the constellation of Virgo.
NGC 5426/5427 - ESA/Hubble
1997年10月21日 · NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 are a pair of similarly sized interacting spiral galaxies, together also known as Arp 271, 120 million light years away. It is not certain if this interaction they undergo will end in a collision and ultimately in a merging of the two galaxies or if the galaxies will experience just a very close encounter.
APOD: 2008 July 21 - The Colliding Spiral Galaxies of Arp 271
Spiral galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 are passing dangerously close to each other, but each is likely to survive this collision. Most frequently when galaxies collide, a large galaxy eats a much smaller galaxy. In this case, however, the two galaxies are quite similar, each being a sprawling spiral with expansive arms and a compact core.
Arp 271 - Interacting Galaxies: NGC 5426 & NGC 5427
2020年6月20日 · Arp 271 consists of two distant spiral galaxies, NGC 5426 & NGC 5427) that are interacting and gravitationally linked. The galaxies are located a whopping 130 Million light-years from earth, in the cancellation of Viro. Both galaxies are of a similar size and have been interacting for milli
阿普 271 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿普 271(Arp 271)是一對體積相似的交互作用 螺旋星系NGC 5426和NGC 5427的合稱,位於室女座,於1785年由威廉·赫歇爾發現。目前仍未確認這兩個星系未來是否會相撞,不過可確定的是兩者在未來數千萬年內會持續有交互作用。
Hubble observes galaxy NGC 5427 - Phys.org
2024年1月31日 · The galaxy NGC 5427 shines in the large image from Hubble, with ground-based observations showing its companion galaxy NGC 5426. Together, this pair is known as Arp 271.
Interacting Galaxies NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 - SciTechDaily
2018年5月22日 · The two interacting galaxies — NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 — together form an intriguing astronomical object named Arp 271, the subject of this, the final image captured by VIMOS. Two spiral galaxies are locked in a spellbinding, swirling dance in this image from the VIMOS instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT).