Lagoon Nebula - Wikipedia
The Lagoon Nebula (catalogued as Messier 8 or M8, NGC 6523, Sharpless 25, RCW 146, and Gum 72) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. It is classified as an emission nebula and has an H II region .
礁湖星雲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
礁湖星雲 (也稱為 梅西耶8 或 M8 、 NGC 6523 、 沙普利斯25 、 RCW 146 、和 古姆72)是位於 人馬座 的一個巨大 星際雲。 它被歸類為 發射星雲 和 氫離子區。 礁湖星雲是 喬瓦尼·霍迪耶納 (英语:Giovanni Battista Hodierna) 在1654年之前發現的 [4],並且是北半球中緯度地區以肉眼隱約可以看見的兩個恆星形成區之一。 用 雙筒望遠鏡 觀察,它看起來是一個明顯的 橢圓形 雲狀斑塊,並有明確的核心 [5]。 估計礁湖星距離 地球 在4,000〜6,000 光年。 在天球上,它的跨度 …
礁湖星云 - 百度百科
礁湖星云,在 梅西耶星表 中名列第八,简称M8,是一个位于 南天 人马座 的 发射星云 (也可称之为 电离氢区)。 在 NGC 用表中排名6523,又称NGC 6523。 这个星云是许多天文爱好者十分熟悉并且喜爱的 天体 之一,也是 天文摄影 的热门目标天体。 礁湖星云充满炽热气体,是许多年轻恒星的家园,因其中心左侧的数道 尘埃带 而获得了 礁湖 星云的别名。 [1] 礁湖星云明亮的气体云被一条遮掩 物质 形成的暗带切开。 利用双筒望远镜观测,它是一个有明显核心的 椭圆 型云状 …
NGC 6523: A Close Look at the Lagoon Nebula - CosmoBC …
2024年1月15日 · In the heart of Sagittarius, a cosmic masterpiece awaits discovery – the Lagoon Nebula or NGC 6523. Cloaked in celestial allure, it beckons astronomers and stargazers alike. Join us on an exploration of its mysterious location, the intriguing tale of its discovery, and the captivating enigma of its physical characteristics.
Lagoon Nebula, M8, NGC 6523 - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · The Lagoon Nebula, M8 or NGC 6523. As one of the showpiece objects of the summer sky in the northern hemisphere, the Lagoon never rises very high from most locations north of the equator. This image of the Lagoon was imaged from Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.
ESA - Lagoon Nebula (NGC 6523 or M8) - European Space Agency
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image reveals a pair of half a light-year long interstellar 'twisters', eerie twisted funnel structures, in the heart of the Lagoon Nebula (M8).
Messier 8: Lagoon Nebula - Messier Objects
2015年2月20日 · Messier 8 (M8), also known as the Lagoon Nebula, is a large, bright emission nebula located in the constellation Sagittarius. The star-forming nebula has an apparent magnitude of 6.0 and lies at a distance of 4,100 light years from Earth. It has the designation NGC 6523 in the New General Catalogue.
The Lagoon Nebula - NASA
2018年12月17日 · Also known as NGC 6523 or the Lagoon Nebula, Messier 8 is a giant cloud of gas and dust where stars are currently forming. At a distance of about 4,000 light years from Earth, Messier 8 provides astronomers an excellent …
The Lagoon Nebula (M8, NGC6523) - Cosmotography
ngc 6523 The Lagoon Nebula Over millions of years, the persistant tug of gravity nudges interstellar material into vast clouds that eventually give rise to bright new suns.
M8 - Lagoon Nebula (NGC 6523) - AstroPixels
M8 - Lagoon Nebula (NGC 6523) The monochromatic image above shows M8 as shot through a Hydrogen Alpha filter. Messier 8 or M8 (also designated NGC 6523) is a nebula and star cluster in the constellation Sagittarius. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 6 and its angular diameter is 90x40 arc-minutes.