NGC 6741 - Wikipedia
NGC 6741, also known as the Phantom Streak Nebula, is located about 7000 light-years away in the constellation of Aquila (the Eagle). NGC 6741 is classed as a planetary nebula , though no planets are responsible for this billowy cloud; the term came about in the 18th century because the round gas shells resembled the Solar System's outer giant ...
NGC 6741 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 6741 也稱為 幻影條紋星雲,位於 天鷹座,距離地球約7,000 光年。 NGC 6741被歸類為 行星狀星雲,儘管這片波濤洶湧的星雲不是由行星造成的; 這個術語出現在 18 世紀,因為圓形氣體外殼類似於望遠鏡的巨行星。 NGC 6741儘管相當明亮,但是在望遠鏡中顯得非常小,直到1882年才被 愛德華·查爾斯·皮克林 發現。 ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 NGC 6741. SIMBAD. 斯特拉斯堡天文資料中心. ^ The Interactive NGC Catalog Online. Results for NGC 6741. [2010-09-21]. (原始内容 存档 …
NGC 6741: Phantom Streak Nebula in Aquila - Constellation Guide
2011年3月5日 · The Phantom Streak Nebula (NGC 6741) is a planetary nebula located in Aquila constellation (the Eagle). It lies approximately 7,000 light years from Earth. The nebula was discovered by American astronomer and physicist Edward Charles Pickering in 1882.
NGC 6741 (Phantom Streak Nebula) - Planetary Nebula in Aquila
NGC 6741 is a Planetary Nebula in the Aquila constellation. NGC 6741 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
Phantom Streak Nebula (NGC 6741) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
NGC 6741: Image taken with Hubble Space Telescope. © ESA/Hubble & NASA, postprocessing Judy Schmidt History. This planetary nebula was found on 19 August 1882 by the American astronomer Edward Pickering using visual spectroscopy at the 15 inch refractor of Harvard College observatory. Dreyer added the nebula as NGC 6741 in his «New General ...
NGC 6741 - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The central stars of planetary nebulae span a huge range of temperature, within which NGC 6741 is, at 180,000 Kelvin, one of the hotter (one study taking it to 220,000), comparable to NGC 2440 and NGC 7027. The nebula, just 8 seconds of arc across, is small, rendering it hard to discern features, as witness Curtis's drawing.
The 3-D shaping of NGC 6741: A massive, fast-evolving Planetary …
NGC 6741 (PN G033.8-02.6, Acker et al. 1992) is a compact (main , halo ; Curtis 1918; Schwarz et al. 1992), high-surface brightness, high-excitation (class 8, Hyung & Aller 1997) PN with a large degree of stratification of the radiation.
NGC 6741 (distance≃2.0 kpc, age≃1400 yr, ionized mass M ion ≃0.06 M⊙) is a dense (electron density up to 12000 cm−3), high-excitation, almost-prolate ellipsoid (0.036 pc x 0.020 pc x 0.018 pc, major, intermediate and minor semi-axes, respectively), surrounded by a sharp low-excitation skin (the ionization front), and embedded into a
NGC 6741 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
ngc 6741也称为幻影条纹星云,位于天鹰座,距离地球约7,000光年。ngc 6741被归类为行星状星云,尽管这片波涛汹涌的星云不是由行星造成的; 这个术语出现在 18 世纪,因为圆形气体外壳类似于望远镜的巨行星。
NGC6741 (Planetary nebula) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC6741 is visible in the dawn sky, rising at 02:00 (EDT) and reaching an altitude of 43° above the south-eastern horizon before fading from view as dawn breaks at around 05:59. "PK Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae", L. Kohoutek, 2000. All times shown in Virginia Beach local time.
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