NGC 6898 - Spiral Galaxy in Capricornus - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 6898 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Capricornus constellation. NGC 6898 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. Given its B magnitude of 14, NGC 6898 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
NGC 6898 GalaxyFacts - Universe Guide
NGC 6898 is an Emission-Line Galaxy located in the constellation of Capricornus in the southern hemisphere. NGC 6898 is called NGC 6898 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to update John Herschel's earlier work.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 6850 - 6899 - cseligman.com
2023年10月31日 · Physical Information: As discussed in some detail in the entry for NGC 6897, that galaxy and NGC 6898 are almost certainly a physically interacting pair, separated by less than half the size of our Milky Way galaxy, at a distance of roughly 255 million light-years from us.
NGC 6898 - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.
NGC 6898 galaxia bat da, Capricornus konstelazioan [1]. Albert Marthek aurkitu zuen 1863ko ekainaren 28an [2].
NGC 6898 - Wikipedia
NGC 6898 este o emission-line galaxy (d) situată în constelația Capricornul. [4][5][6] A fost descoperită în 28 iunie 1863 de către Albert Marth. [7] Se află la o distanță de 80,19 de megaparseci de Pământ.
NGC 6898 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2022年2月5日 · The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross-identifications, bibliography and measurements for astronomical objects outside the solar system.
NGC 6898 - Vikipedio
NGC 6898 (aliaj indikoj — MCG -2-52-2, IRAS20183-1231, PGC 64517) estas galaksio en konstelacio Kaprikorno. Ĉi tiu objekto estis jam en la originala versio de NGC-katalogo.
NGC 6898 - Vikipediya
NGC 6898 Capricornus yulduz turkumidagi Sa tipli galaktikadir. Ushbu obyektni Albert Marth 1863-yilda kashf etgan. Ushbu obyekt Yangi umumiy katalog asl nashrida mavjud.
NGC 6898 - spiral galaxy. Description NGC 6898: - kosmoved.ru
Object NGC 6898 is located exactly in the center of the picture. In this version of the NGC catalog used by NASA imagery, ngcicproject.org and other sources. The pictures in the places of their original placement referred to as free of licensing restrictions. In case of doubt, please the authors: let me know and they will be removed.
Revised NGC Data for NGC 6898 - spider.seds.org
Note: (*) Dreyer's Object Revised NGC and IC Catalog NGC/IC data for NGC 6898 Back to NGC 6898 page Hartmut Frommert [contact]