NGC 7 - Wikipedia
NGC 7 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation. It was discovered by English astronomer John Herschel in 1834, who was using an 18.7 inch reflector telescope at the time. …
NGC 7 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 7 是 玉夫座 的一個 漩渦星系。 它於1834年9月27日由英國天文學家 約翰·赫歇爾 使用18.7英寸的 反射望遠鏡 所發現。 [3] 天文學家史蒂夫·戈特利布描述這個暗淡的星系:它大,且銀河 …
NGC 7 GalaxyFacts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 7 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Sculptor in the southern hemisphere. NGC 7's distance from Earth is 66,816,395.53 light years. NGC 7 is called NGC 7 in the New …
NGC 7 - Spiral Galaxy in Sculptor | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 7 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Sculptor constellation. NGC 7 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its B …
Caldwell 7 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · This hazy, steely blue spiral galaxy mottled with pink, flower-like gaseous regions and granular filaments of dark dust is Caldwell 7 (also called NGC 2403). The galaxy’s …
NGC 7 - 百度百科
NGC 7是 玉夫座 的一个 漩涡星系 。 它于1834年9月27日由英国天文学家 约翰·赫歇尔 使用18.7英寸的 反射望远镜 所发现。 天文学家史蒂夫·戈特利布描述这个暗淡的星系:它大,且银河系的 …
Category:NGC 7 - Wikimedia Commons
English: NGC 7 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. It is located at RA 00 h 08 m 20.9 s, dec −29° 54′ 54″ , and has an apparent magnitude of 13.47.
NGC 7 - Wikipedia
ngc 7は、ちょうこくしつ座の方角にある渦巻銀河である。 1834年にイギリスの天文学者 ジョン・ハーシェル が口径18.7の 反射望遠鏡 を用いて発見した [ 3 ] 。
NGC 7 - Wikiwand
NGC 7 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation. It was discovered by English astronomer John Herschel in 1834, who was using an 18.7 inch...
List of NGC objects (1–1000) - Wikipedia
This is a list of NGC objects 1–1000 from the New General Catalogue (NGC). The astronomical catalogue is composed mainly of star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies. Other objects in the …