NGC 7018 - Galaxy Triplet in Capricornus - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 7018 is a Galaxy Triplet in the Capricornus constellation. NGC 7018 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 16.8, NGC 7018 is visible only through long exposure photography.
NGC 7018 Galaxy Facts - Universe Guide
NGC 7018 is an Elliptical Galaxy located in the constellation of Capricornus in the southern hemisphere. NGC 7018 is called NGC 7018 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to update John Herschel's earlier work.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 7000 - 7049 - cseligman.com
2023年10月1日 · Physical Information: NGC 7016 is the brightest member of the NGC 7016 group of galaxies, which includes at least the nearer member of the apparent double NGC 7017, the two members of NGC 7018, and PGC 69143.
NGC 7018 - elliptical galaxy. Description NGC 7018: - kosmoved.ru
NGC 7018 - galaxy in the constellation Capricorni Type: E4 - elliptical galaxy The angular dimensions: 1.30'x0.8' magnitude: V=13.4 m; B=14.4 m The surface brightness: 13.7 …
NGC7018 (Galaxy triplet) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC7018 is not observable – it will reach its highest point in the sky during daytime and is no higher than 4° above the horizon at dawn. All times shown in Virginia Beach local time.
NGC_7018 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
The astronomical object called NGC 7018 is a Interacting Galaxies
NGC 7018 - Wikipedia
NGC 7018 este o interacțiune de galaxii situată în constelația Capricornul. [5][6][7] A fost descoperită în 8 iulie 1885 de către Francis Leavenworth. [8]
NGC/IC Project Restoration Efforts
This double system often resolves into two tangent components; the eastern member (NGC 7018 NED02 = 2MASX J21072565-2525430) is slightly larger and brighter (18" diameter) and the western component (NGC 7018 NED01 = 2MASX J21072463-2525569) is …
NGC 7018 - Wikidata
Statements instance of interacting galaxies 1 reference stated in SIMBAD astronomical radio source 1 reference stated in SIMBAD astrophysical X-ray source 1 reference stated in SIMBAD interacting galaxy 1 reference stated in SIMBAD catalog code NGC 7018 catalog New General Catalogue 2 references stated in SIMBAD PGC 66141 catalog Principal ...
NGC 7018 — Vikipediya
NGC 7018 — Yeni Baş Kataloqda qeydə alınmış qalaktikadır. Göy üzündə Oğlaq bürcü istiqamətində yerləşir. E4 tipli qalaktikadır. Amerika astronomu Frenk Livenvort tərəfindən 1885-ci ildə 66.04 sm (26 düymə) ölçülü refraktor vasitəsilə kəşf edilmişdir. [7]