NGC 7129 - Wikipedia
NGC 7129 is a reflection nebula located 3,300 light years away in the constellation Cepheus. A young open cluster is responsible for illuminating the surrounding nebula. [ 2 ] A recent survey indicates the cluster contains more than 130 stars less than 1 million years old.
NGC 7129 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 7129是一個位於仙王座的反射星雲,距離地球約3300光年。一個年輕疏散星團將環繞在周圍的星雲照亮 [2] 。最近的研究認為該星團有超過130個年齡1百萬年以下的恆星 [來源請求] 。ngc 7129和附近的星團ngc 7142在天球上距離只有半度。
NGC 7129 is a celestial object visible during summer nights in the northern hemisphere (circumpolar visible) in the central-western part of the Cepheus constellation, approximately 4 degrees away from...
NGC 7129 (Rainer Raupach) - AstroBin
NGC 7129 is a reflection nebula primarily, where the originating open cluster is supposed to be younger than 1 Mio. years. Additionally at some shock fronts the hot stars trigger faint Hα emission overlaying the blue reflection. The surrounding gas and dust cloud also forms various dark nebulae (LDN 1181, 1183, ..).
NGC 7129 - AstroBin
Build: 4c087aa0c9eb9c139d22fc44665615afc2f1fa04 . This target is a fantastic active nebula with delicate Ha emissions , Herbi-Haro objects, young stars and beautiful delicate blue reflection details. From APOD: "Young suns still lie within dusty NGC...
NGC 7129 – Reflection Nebula in Cepheus - Chaotic Nebula
2021年10月15日 · NGC 7129 is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Cepheus. Located 3,300 light years away, NGC 7129 is a young open cluster of newborn stars. Many of the stars within the cluster are less than 1 million years old, which is very young when you consider many of these stars will live to be
NGC 7129与NGC 7142 | NASA中文
Explanation: This wide-field telescopic image looks toward the constellation Cepheus and an intriguing visual pairing of dusty reflection nebula NGC 7129 (right) and open star cluster NGC 7142. The two appear separated by only half a degree on the sky, but they actually lie at quite different distances.
Reflection Nebula NGC 7129 - spitzer.caltech.edu
These bright young stars are found in a rosebud-shaped (and rose-colored) nebulosity known as NGC 7129. The star cluster and its associated nebula are located at a distance of 3300 light-years in the constellation Cepheus. A recent census of the …
NGC 7129 - 百度百科
ngc 7129是一个位于仙王座的反射星云,距离地球约3300光年。 一个年轻疏散星团将环绕在周围的星云照亮。 最近的研究认为该星团有超过130个年龄1百万年以下的恒星。
NGC 7129: A Reflection Nebula in Cepheus - Sky & Telescope
2021年11月6日 · NGC 7129 is a striking reflection nebula in Cepheus that is situated 9.9 deg above the Galactic plane at a distance of about 3300 lys, Its color derives from scattering by gas and dust of the prodigious starlight produced in its central regions by a young cluster of at least 130 stars with ages less than 2 million years.