NGC 7479 - Wikipedia
NGC 7479 (also known as Caldwell 44 or the Superman Galaxy[2]) is a barred spiral galaxy about 105 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. William Herschel discovered it in 1784.
NGC 7479 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 7479,也稱為 科德韋爾44,是位於 飛馬座,距離大約1億500萬 光年 的一個 棒渦星系。 它是 威廉·赫歇爾 在1784年發現的,超新星 SN 1990U 和 SN 2009if 都出現在NGC 7479。 NGC 7479也被辨識出是一個 西佛星系,在核心和外面的旋臂都有星爆活動 [2]。 偏振光的研究顯示這個星系剛經歷一次小型的合併,是唯一發出連續無線電波的星系,並且旋臂開口的方向和光學臂的方向相反 [3]。 業餘望遠鏡拍攝的NGC 7479。 NGC 7479 24 inch Schulman Foundation …
Caldwell 44 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · In this Hubble image of Caldwell 44, also known as NGC 7479, the tightly wound arms of the barred spiral galaxy create a backward "S" as they spin in a counter-clockwise direction. However, this galaxy, nicknamed the Propeller galaxy, emits a jet of radiation in radio wavelengths that bends in the opposite direction to the stars and dust in the ...
NGC 7479 - 百度百科
NGC 7479,也称为科德韦尔44,位于 飞马座,距离大约1亿500万 光年 的一个棒涡星系。 超新星 SN 1990U 和SN 2009if都NGC 7479。 NGC 7479也被辨识出是一个 西佛星系,在核心和外面的旋臂都有星爆活动 (Kohno, 2007)。 偏振光的研究显示这个星系刚经历一次小型的合并,是发出连续无线电波的星系,并且旋臂开口的方向和光学臂的方向相反 (Laine, 2005)。 涡星系。 它是 威廉·赫歇尔 在1784年发现的,超新星 SN 1990U 和SN 2009if都在NGC 7479。 NGC 7479也被辨识 …
NGC 7479 GalaxyFacts, Distance & Picture - Universe Guide
NGC 7479 (NGC7479) is a spiral galaxy that has a distance from Earth of 110,000,000.00 light years. It can be found in the constellation of Pegasus. It was discovered in 1784 by William Herschel.
Superman Galaxy (NGC 7479) - Constellation Guide
2024年10月17日 · NGC 7479 stretches about 150,000 light-years across. It has been nicknamed the Superman Galaxy because the spiral arms of the galaxy, which rotate counter-clockwise, create the shape of a backward “S.” NGC 7479 is classified as a Seyfert galaxy. It has an active galactic nucleus with a central supermassive black hole and an accretion disc.
NGC7479 - Max Planck Society
The barred galaxy NGC 7479 belongs to the Hubble class SB (s)c. Its disk is inclined by 45° with respect to the sky plane. This galaxy has a distance median value of 34 Mpc. The brightest radio emission is detected from two jets that emerge from the center towards the north and the south.
NGC 7479: Pegasus’ superb barred spiral galaxy – Astronomy Now
2024年9月25日 · NGC 7479 (Caldwell 44), popularly named the ‘Propeller Galaxy’, is easy to locate, located just 3° south of Markab (alpha Pegasi), the star at the south-west (lower-right) corner of the Square. In late September from London, NGC 7479 transits the southern meridian (culminates) some 50° high at about 11.45pm BST.
NGC 7479 — Wikipédia
NGC 7479 (ou Caldwell 44) est une galaxie spirale barrée de grand style [5] située dans la constellation de Pégase.Sa vitesse par rapport au fond diffus cosmologique est de 2 007 ± 26 km/s, ce qui correspond à une distance de Hubble de 29,6 ± 2,1 Mpc (∼96,5 millions d'al) [1].NGC 7479 a été découverte par l'astronome germano-britannique William Herschel en 1784 [4].
NGC 7479, Barred Spiral Galaxy - Kopernik Observatory
NGC 7479 is a classic Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Constellation of Pegasus, with a small, bright active galactic nucleus (Seyfert type 2) being fed by gas flowing in along the bar structure. The two spiral arms come from ends of the bar.