NGC 752 - Wikipedia
NGC 752 (also known as Caldwell 28) is an open cluster in the constellation Andromeda. The cluster was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1783 and cataloged by her brother William Herschel in 1786, although an object that may have been NGC 752 was described by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654.
NGC 752 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 752 是仙女座的一個疏散星团。 該星團由 卡羅琳·赫歇爾 於1783年發現,並由她的兄弟 威廉·赫歇爾 於1786年編入星表。 喬瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·奧迪耶納 在1654年之前就已經描述過一個可能是NGC 752的天體 [ 4 ] 。
Open Cluster NGC 752 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
2023年11月18日 · A number of small and faint background galaxies can be seen through the open cluster NGC 752. These may pose a nice challange for CCD imagers and large dobsonian users. The largest and brightest of these is IC 179, discovered on 28 June 1890 by Lewis Swift using the 16 inch refractor at Warner Observatory.
NGC 752 - Open Cluster | freestarcharts.com
NGC 752 is a large sprawling open cluster in the constellation of Andromeda. With an apparent magnitude of +5.7 it's visible to the naked eye from a dark site, appearing as a large unresolved fuzzy patch of light. The cluster is one of the finest large open clusters in the sky and contains over 70 stars spread across a huge 1.25 degrees of ...
Caldwell 28 / NGC 752 - Caleb Astro
Caldwell 28 (NGC 752) is a sprawling open cluster located in the constellation Andromeda, approximately 1,300 light-years from Earth. Estimated to be around 1.9 billion years old, it is among the older open clusters, offering a glimpse into the …
NGC 752 - Open Cluster In Andromeda With Distant Background …
NGC 752 is a large sprawling open cluster in the constellation of Andromeda. With an apparent magnitude of +5.7 it's visible to the naked eye from a dark site, appearing as a large unresolved fuzzy patch of light.
NGC 752 - 百度百科
NGC 752:是一个明亮而稀疏的星团,类型为“d”位于视星等为2.10的天大将军一(仙女座γ)南方~西南方4度多的位置。 其中至少有15颗恒星比+10等星亮,视直径约为1度。
NGC 752 - Prairie Stargazer
The large and bright open cluster NGC 752 contains about 70 or so stars and is easily located south of γ Andromedae. The cluster has been known since at least 1783 when Caroline Herschel recorded it. Estimates of the age of NGC 752 indicate the cluster is likely over a billion years old.
Title: Tidal tails in the disintegrating open cluster NGC 752
2021年5月13日 · We report the discovery of the tidal tails of NGC 752, extending out to ∼ 35 pc on either side of its denser central region and following the cluster orbit. From comparison with PARSEC stellar isochrones, we obtain the mass function of the cluster with a …
NGC 752 - Open Cluster in Andromeda | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 752 is a Open Cluster in the Andromeda constellation. NGC 752 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 5.7, NGC 752 is easily visible with the help of a small binocular.