Denmark 2 Øre KM 840.2 Prices & Values | NGC
Disclaimer: The prices listed in the various NGC Price and Value Guides are compiled from a number of independent, third party sources in the numismatic community which NGC believes …
Messier 14 - Wikipedia
Messier 14 (also known as M14 or NGC 6402) is a globular cluster of stars in the constellation Ophiuchus. It was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764. At a distance of about 30,000 light-years, M14 contains several hundred thousand stars. At an apparent magnitude of +7.6 it can be easily observed with binoculars.
UGC 8402 Galaxy (IC 4230) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
UGC 8402 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Coma Berenices in the northern hemisphere. UGC 8402's distance from Earth is 312,457,809.83 light years. UGC 8402 also known as IC4230 which is short for Index Catalogue number 4230. The Index Catalogue is an update to the earlier NGC catalogue.
10 Dirhams / 1 Rial - Yusuf - Morocco – Numista
Detailed information about the coin 10 Dirhams / 1 Rial, Yusuf, Morocco, with pictures and collection and swap management: mintage, descriptions, metal, weight, size, value and other numismatic data
2013 Canada 20 Dollars Silver Hockey SP69 NGC *8402 - eBay
Item specifics Certification NGC Grade SP69 Circulated/Uncirculated Uncirculated Denomination Not Specified Composition Silver Year 2013
1955~2018年中国流通硬币年号和版别统计 - 搜狐
2019年6月27日 · 图5 凸版84-2和上海版8402发行量相同(一说约3000枚),凸版1和9的距离比平版更宽(凸版84-2与上海8402来自NGC,平版为笔者藏品实拍)
1988-W G$5 Olympic Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS.
2012年2月16日 · 1988-W G$5 Olympic Gold Five Dollar PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. PCGS Population (8402/437). NGC Census: (77/1). - Available at Thursday Modern Coin Auctions...
NCV8402ADDR2G_onsemi (安森美)_NCV8402ADDR2G中文资 …
1955~2018年中国流通硬币年号和版别统计_钱币_藏品资讯_紫轩藏 …
2019年6月25日 · 图5 凸版84-2和上海版8402发行量相同(一说约3000枚),凸版1和9的距离比平版更宽(凸版84-2与上海8402来自NGC,平版为笔者藏品实拍)
NGC 4402 - Wikipedia
NGC 4402 is a relatively near, edge-on spiral galaxy located around 50 million light-years from Earth. It is in the constellation of Virgo within the Virgo Cluster of galaxies.