Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884) – Constellation Guide
The Double Cluster, or Caldwell 14, is the name for two open clusters – NGC 869 and NGC 884 – located close together in Perseus constellation. Also known as h Persei and χ Persei (h and Chi Persei), the clusters both lie at an approximate distance of 7,600 light years from Earth and are about 12.8 million years old.
Double Cluster - Wikipedia
The Double Cluster, also known as Caldwell 14, consists of the open clusters NGC 869 and NGC 884 (often designated h Persei and χ (chi) Persei, respectively), which are close together in the constellation Perseus.
NGC 869 - Wikipedia
NGC 869 (also known as h Persei) is an open cluster located around 7,460 light years away in the constellation of Perseus. [2] The cluster is around 14 million years old. [2] It is the west component of the Double Cluster with NGC 884. NGC 869 and 884 are often designated h and χ (chi) Persei, respectively.
Caldwell 14 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · Visible to the naked eye from a dark location, Caldwell 14 is popularly known as the Double Cluster in Perseus. These two bright open clusters, also called NGC 869 and NGC 884, appear side by side, about halfway between the bright stars in the constellations Perseus and Cassiopeia.
NGC 884 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 884 (也稱為 英仙座χ )是一個位於 英仙座 的 疏散星團,距離地球7,600 [2]。 它位於和 NGC 869 組成的 雙星團 的最東端。 NGC 869和884通常各別被稱為英仙座h和χ [4]。 這個星團的年齡估計已有為1,250萬年 [2]。 這兩個星團有物理上的關聯性,估計相距只有數百光年,都是 星協 英仙座OB1 的成員。 喜帕恰斯 是最早記錄下這兩個星團的人,但很可能遠古時代早就已經知道這兩個星團。 雙星團是業餘天文學家的最愛。 像這種明亮的星團通常是用小望遠鏡拍攝或觀察 …
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The Double Cluster - Open Clusters ...
NGC 869 and NGC 884 are two bright open clusters in the constellation of Perseus, that are separated by only half a degree of apparent sky. Together they are commonly known as the "Double Cluster" and form a famous showpiece object, that's easily visible to the naked eye and a wonderful sight in binoculars and telescopes.
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The Double Cluster (h Chi Persei)
NGC 869 and NGC 884 - The Double Cluster (h Chi Persei) The double clusters h and χ Persei, located in the constellation Perseus, are a stunning pair of open star clusters that have fascinated astronomers for centuries.
Double Cluster, NGC 869 & NGC 884 - Kopernik Observatory
1998年2月15日 · The image is a color photograph taken with Kopernik's 8-inch F/1.5 Schmidt Camera. The field of view is about 5x7 degrees; about what can be seen thru 7x50 binoculars. The smaller version has the two open (or galactic) star clusters marked, along with the position of the more distant star cluster NGC 957.
NGC 884 and NGC 869 – The Double Cluster - Bart Delsaert
2023年10月4日 · The Double Cluster is the name for two open clusters – NGC 869 and NGC 884 – located close together in Perseus constellation. Also known as h Persei and χ Persei, the clusters both lie at an approximate distance of 7,600 light years from Earth. With an apparent magnitude of 3.7/3.8, the Double Cluster is…
Featured Deep-Sky Objects - NGC 884 and NGC 869
2019年1月27日 · NGC 884 and NGC 869 cover an area of 60 arc minutes of the apparent sky, which is twice the size of a full Moon making it a suitable target for backyard telescopes and binoculars. Individually, the clusters have a mass of 3,700 solar masses (NGC 869) and 2,800 solar masses (NGC 884), but as each cluster is surrounded by an extended halo of ...