NGC 87 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 87(eso 194-8, am 0018-485, pgc 1357)是鳳凰座一個不規則星系。 星等 為14.1, 赤經 為21分14.2秒, 赤緯 為+-48°37'44"。 在1834年9月30日首次被 約翰·弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇爾 發 …
NGC 87 - Wikipedia
NGC 87 is a diffuse, highly disorganized barred irregular galaxy, part of Robert's Quartet, a group of four interacting galaxies. One supernova has been observed in NGC 87: SN 1994Z ( type II …
Robert's Quartet - Wikipedia
It is a family of four very different galaxies whose proximity to each other has caused the creation of about 200 star-forming regions and pulled out a stream of gas and dust 100,000 light years …
Arp 87 - Wikipedia
Arp 87 (also known as NGC 3808) is a pair of interacting galaxies, NGC 3808A and NGC 3808B. They are situated in the Leo constellation. NGC 3808A, the brighter, is a peculiar spiral galaxy, …
NGC 87 GalaxyFacts - Universe Guide
NGC 87 (NGC87) is a diffuse, highly disorganized barred irregular galaxy that has a distance from Earth of light years. It can be found in the constellation of Phoenix.
NGC 87 — Wikipédia
NGC 87 est une galaxie irrégulière de type magellanique située dans la constellation du Phénix. Sa vitesse par rapport au fond diffus cosmologique est de 3 216 ± 27 km/s, ce qui correspond …
罗伯特四重奏星系 - 百度百科
这个家族有四个非常不同,正在 碰撞和合并 过程中的 星系 ,它们分别是 ngc 87 、 ngc 88 、 ngc 89 和 ngc 92 ,在1830年待就被 约翰·赫歇尔 发现了。
NGC 87 - Wikipedia
NGC 87 は、 ほうおう座 の方角にある 不規則銀河 である。 NGC 88 、 NGC 89 、 NGC 92 とともに 相互作用銀河 の関係にあり、 ロバートの四つ子銀河 というグループを形成している …
NGC 87 - Irregular Galaxy in Phoenix | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 87 is a Irregular Galaxy in the Phoenix constellation. NGC 87 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its …
M87,即 室女座 A星系(也称为梅西耶87、M87或NGC 4486),常称之为“M87星系”。 M87位在 室女座,是巨大的 椭圆星系,也是 银河系 附近几个质量最大星系其中之一,拥有几项受瞩目 …
NGC 87 - Vikipediya
NGC 87 Фенікс yulduz turkumidagi IBm/P tipli galaktikadir. Ushbu obyekt Yangi umumiy katalog asl nashrida mavjud.
Messier 87: Virgo A - Messier Objects
2015年8月14日 · Messier 87 (M87, NGC 4486), also known as Virgo A or the Smoking Gun, is a supergiant elliptical galaxy located in the core of the Virgo Cluster, in the constellation Virgo.
Meet monstrous Messier 87 - Astronomy Now
2023年4月17日 · ESO’s Very Large Telescope’s capture of Messier 87 (NGC 4486), a huge elliptical galaxy that dominates the Virgo Cluster. Image: ESO. Lurking close to the centre of …
NGC 87 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
NGC 87: 위치 별자리 불사조자리: 적경: 00 h 21 m 14.2 s: 적위-48° 37′ 42″ 물리적 성질 시선 속도? km/s 거리 1억 6000만 광년: 형태 IBmP 규모 크기 0'.9 X 0'.7 광학적 성질 겉보기등급 +14.1 기타 …
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 50 - 99 - cseligman.com
2023年8月23日 · Physical Information: Based on a recessional velocity of 3490 km/sec (and H 0 = 70 km/sec/Mpc), NGC 87 is about 160 to 165 million light years away. However, it is believed …
NGC 87 - Wikiwand
ngc 87は、ほうおう座の方角にある不規則銀河である。 NGC 88、NGC 89、NGC 92とともに相互作用銀河の関係にあり、ロバートの四つ子銀河というグループを形成している。
Interacting Galaxy Pair Arp 87 - Science@NASA
2007年10月30日 · The pair, known collectively as Arp 87, is one of hundreds of interacting... Two galaxies perform an intricate dance in this new Hubble Space Telescope image. The galaxies, …
M87 | NASA中文
2025年2月20日. Messier 87 Image Credit: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team Explanation: Enormous elliptical galaxy Messier 87 is about 50 million light-years away. Also …
Messier 87 Galaxy (M87) Facts - Space Facts
The massive galaxy M87 is the most spectacular example of an elliptical galaxy we can see from Earth. The most fascinating feature of this galaxy is its jet, which is visible in optical light as …
Black Hole-Powered Jet of Electrons and Sub-Atomic ... - HubbleSite
2000年7月6日 · Streaming out from the center of the galaxy M87 like a cosmic searchlight is one of nature's most amazing phenomena, a black-hole-powered jet of electrons and other sub …