NGK D8EA vs. Champion RA6HC - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2012年9月13日 · Re: NGK D8EA vs. Champion RA6HC « Reply #12 on: September 13, 2012, 04:38:24 AM » So (ahem) for the electrically-challenged amongst us, if I understand this correctly you could run the higher resistance plugs without an immediately noticeable change in performance (say you were stranded somewhere and AutoZone (shudder) was …
Autozone/ NGK plugs - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2014年8月6日 · In case you need them in a hurry, on Sunday, etc. the D8EA plugs for the 750 are available at Autozone. Might call ahead to verify they are in stock. 10.00 and some change for 4. They can check other stores for availability if necessary. I found this out after a dealer told me they'd "have to order those plugs in".
D8EA vs D8ES - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2010年10月12日 · The D8ES was a "Super-wide heat range" sparkplug. The EPA made NGK discontinue these in the early 1990s. Their replacement was the D8EA, a colder plug by about 1/4 heat range step. The D8ES-L (now defunct, except in the resistor version DR8ES-L) has a Longer tip (i.e., Extended Tip) to help burn off deposits.
What spark plug for 78 cb750k - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2012年4月3日 · People are confusing me, most say NGK D8EA but then im told its a resistor plug and wont work right? so what is the correct plugs I need for my 78?
CB350F spark plugs: NGK D8EA vs. Denso X24ES-U - don't like …
2013年4月27日 · Here in UK Denso are more difficult to find and I have never had a problem with any NGK. On my old 500 in the late 70's I fitted the EV ngk type and instantly got cleaner running and more MPG(but not much more) plus it felt like quicker pick up, not sure it was worth the 4 times price premium but the first set were a "Gift" from the …
Which Spark plugs in your 750 - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2018年7月21日 · I have not proved this by changing back to the old NGK D8EA that had only 2500 km. Oil temp in oil tank could rather easy enter 248F (120C) when amb temp was around 27C and up. With Denso and amb temp 32-34C and twisting throttle more than before including a small twisty country road on 3:rd gear 4000-8000rpm with much pumping throttle.
D8EA and DR8EA spark plug resistance - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2019年5月9日 · D8EA 29,000 volts in plug wire DR8EA 5000 ohms resistance (resistor plug) 12,680 volts in plug wire Spark plug cap resistance unknown (you can probably guess) Resistor wires, resistor caps, resistor plugs are used (not all at same time) to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI).
NGK D8EA vs D9EA - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2012年3月30日 · Re: NGK D8EA vs D9EA « Reply #11 on: March 30, 2012, 08:26:16 AM » A sohc4 forum member w/ Hot coils can use that heat range as standard plugs..just offer them up for sale here for.... $1.50 per plug.
NGK D8EA Spark Plugs - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2019年3月31日 · However I had an interesting first with NGK plug. The porcelain tip split off and slid down the fine wire and stopped on the ground electrode snuffing the spark and go instantly. The plug was NGK BR10EG in Honda CR85R running a touch lean on a cold day. Not the same as old 750's but I've never seen a NGK failure like this.
NGK Plug Wars: D7EA vs. D8EA - SOHC/4 Owners Club
2010年4月20日 · Re: NGK Plug Wars: D7EA vs. D8EA « Reply #15 on: April 19, 2010, 08:53:38 PM » In hot weather and running hard, you actually want a colder plug to help get heat out of the chamber.