Ammonia - NIST Chemistry WebBook
This IR spectrum is from the Coblentz Society's evaluated infrared reference spectra collection.
IR Vibration-Rotation Spectra of the Ammonia Molecule
The IR spectrum of the ammonia inversion vibration-rotation normal mode is obtained using Fourier Transform IR Spectroscopy and analyzed using Maple, to easily obatin the relation …
Vibrational Modes of Ammonia - Purdue University
N-H symmetric stretching (a 1) 3534 cm-1 (IR intensity = 0.052) (Raman active) ...
Ammonia (NH - University of Washington
High-Resolution Threshold-Ionization Spectroscopy of NH 3; R. Seiler, U. Hollenstein, T.P. Softley and F. Merkt; J.Chem.Phys 118:10024-10033 (2003). Doubly Excited States of Ammonia in …
NH3/Ir (100): Electronic structure and dehydrogenation
2013年3月7日 · Density functional theory was employed to compute the geometric and electronic structures and the stepwise dehydrogenation of NH 3 on Ir(100). The NH 3, NH 2 and NH …
loping field of infrared spectroscopy may be the key to unlocking the conformational properties of a wide variety of molecules. Spectra of ammonia have been gathered, through the use of a …
In situ FTIR characterization of NH3 adsorption and reaction with …
2011年1月4日 · As part of an ongoing investigation of these materials, in this paper we report the results of in situ FTIR experiments focusing on NH 3 reactions on the same surfaces, since …
科学网—固体酸催化剂酸性分析方法【转帖】 - 戴启广的博文
nh3 也是 ir 法中常用的一种探针分子。 NH3 的动力学直径比较小 (0.165 nm) ,几乎不受分子筛孔大小的空间限制,因此可用于定量测定微孔、中孔和大孔分子筛的内表面酸性。
本论文采用密度泛函理论,在slab模型下,研究了NH3在不同Ir表面上的催化分解与氧化行为,结果表明: (1)在Ir(100)表面上,NH3的3a1轨道与Ir的5dz2轨道间的相互作用是NH3稳定吸附于顶位的主要 …
Vibrational Modes of Ammonia - Purdue University
(IR intensity = 0.052) (Raman active) 3464 cm-1 (IR intensity = 0.073) (Raman active) 3464 cm-1 (IR intensity = 0.073) (Raman active) This page requires the MDL Chemscape Chime Plugin. …