The key elements of the BAF are: A description of each Principal (strategic) Risk, that forms the basis of the Trusts risk framework (with corresponding corporate and operational risks defined at a Trust-wide and service level) Risk ratings – current (residual), tolerable and target levels
The key elements of the BAF are: A description of each Principal (strategic) Risk, that forms the basis of the Trusts risk framework (with corresponding corporate and operational risks defined at a Trust-wide and service level)
The key elements of the BAF are: • A description of each Principal (strategic) Risk, which forms the basis of the Trust’s risk framework (with corresponding corporate and operational risks defined at a Trust-wide and service level)
Green Plan, and maintain improvements in sustainability in line with national targets, the NHS Long Term Plan and ‘For a Greener NHS’ ambitions (30%, 50% and 80% reduction in emissions by 2023, 2025 and 2030 respectively, and net zero carbon by 2040), could lead to: a failure to meet Trust and System objectives, reputational damage, loss of
NHS England » National infection prevention and control
2025年1月7日 · This update to the previous infection prevention control board assurance framework (BAF) is issued by NHS England for use by organisations to enable them to respond using an evidence-based approach to maintain the safety of …
Framework (BAF) for NHS Sussex. Executive summary: This report provides Board members with information about the principles and work that have underpinned the development of the NHS Sussex BAF to date . It sets out the purpose of the BAF, the high level emerging risks to the achievement of the NHS
The Board Assurance Framework (BAF) forms part of the NHS England risk management strategy and policy and is the framework for identification and management of strategic risks; both risks internal to NHS England and those in
How to develop a board assurance framework - Good Governance
2022年9月21日 · Every NHS trust is required to have a board assurance framework – the vital document that tells the board, and the trust’s stakeholders, how it is managing the major strategic risks that could prevent it from achieving its objectives.
The BAF enables the Board to identify and understand the principal risks to achieving its strategic objectives. Our ‘Step up to Great’ strategy is structured around four key goals, these are mapped against each of the risks on the BAF. The format presents the controls, assurances, gaps and actions together.
the development of the NHS Sussex Board Assurance Framework (BAF) to date. It sets out the purpose of the BAF, the high level emerging risks to the achievement of the Integrated Care Strategy and initial thinking on the content of the NHS Sussex BAF. It also articulates the work that will be undertaken to further the develop the BAF during 2023/24.
What is A BAF? One of the roles of the board is to focus on those risks which may compromise the achievement of its high level strategic objectives. A good BAF will provide a structure and process which enables the organisation to focus on the significant risks; it also highlights any key controls that have been put
This Board Assurance Framework (BAF) describes the functions, the enablers, the assurance framework, the integrated governance system and the operating guidance in place to support good governance within Public Health Wales.
The BAF includes 9 strategic risks; no risk is currently scoring above RR12, and no risk has achieved its target risk rating. During January and February 2022, the committees have considered the current risk rating and
2020年1月23日 · The Board Assurance Framework (BAF) has been in operation for some time with the strategic risks last being reviewed 12 months ago. The executive team currently review the BAF every month and the Board receive the BAF at each Board meeting (every 2 months).
BAF SUMMARY Contents of this summary table (p.1-2) are hyperlinked to full BAF (at p.3 onwards). REF. LEAD EXEC. DIRECTOR (ED) RISK TING T NT LAST ED REVIEW ... the NHS Long Term Plan and ZFor a Greener NHS [ ambitions (net zero …
The Board Assurance Framework (BAF) is the key source of evidence that links strategic objectives to risk and assurance, and the main tool that the Board should use in discharging its overall responsibility for internal control (GGI,
• Current strategic issues include the recent publication of the NHS Bill, and the mobilisation of ICS establishment programmes in the ICSs, ensuring that the Trust has influence in the same, and the development of provider collaboratives at the
How good is your Board Assurance Framework? - miaa.nhs.uk
Board Assurance Frameworks (BAF) are a key tool used by NHS bodies to monitor risks to corporate objectives and ensure that the Board receives robust and timely assurance to inform its discussions, decision making and management of risk.
The NHS Sussex BAF reports on the most significant risks to the achievement of the Sussex Health and Care System’s Integrated Care Strategy and arising Shared Delivery Plan (SDP).